Water Resources Infrastructure
Needs, Economics, and Financing
This proceedings, Water Resources Infrastructure: Needs, Economics, and Financing, consists of four page extended abstracts for 45 of the 50...

Environmental Aspects of Water Resources Development
Long-term management of resources requires a comprehensive anlysis of the effects that development and management of one resource may be expected to exert upon other resources. However,...

Arid Lands - Impending Water-Population Crises
Many developing countries in arid lands will face major food production problems because of population growth rates. Irrigation water requirements will soon exceed available renewable...

Floodplain Management for Alluvial Fan Areas
Because current National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations do not address the special floodplain management requirements of Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) on alluvial fans,...

Water for the San Diego Region: Past, Present and Future
Ever since the earliest days of permanent settlement in the arid San Diego region, securing reliable water supplies has been an issue of critical importance. The San Diego region's...

Implemented Solutions to Wqter Supply Problems?The Tucson Experience
During the past 30 years Tucson Arizona has been one of the fastest growing urban centers in the United States. During this period, the population served by the municipal water utility,...

The Use of Wholesale Water Rates to Encourage the Groundwater Conjunctive Use
The availability and price of imported Colorado River water were critical components to the development of groundwater management programs in Southern California. Economical imported water...

Competition for Water in Southern Nevada - Local Needs Versus Federal Control
The impacts of lands in southern Nevada, withdrawn by the federal government for defense and defense-related purposes on the water supply, are discussed. Nevada is an illustration of an...

Inclusion of Wetlands in Designated Floodway Studies
The purpose of this paper is to propose a change in the traditional methods and procedures used by hydrologist and hydraulic engineers to define floodways and floodway fringe areas. We...

The Colorado River Water Rights: Back to the Future
A discussion about tomorrow's projected water shortages in California and efforts to meet the anticipated demands through the Colorado River supply requires at least a brief...

California-Nevada Water Marketing Issues
Many California local agency interests tend to oppose, at least initially, transfers of water across the stateline to Nevada, and have been to some extent successful in creating provisions...

Future Transfers of Water and Conveyance Capacity Between the CVP and the California SWP
On November 24, 1986, the Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) executed an agreement known as the Coordinated Operations Agreement or COA....

Central Valley Project Operations
The Federal Central Valley Project (CVP) utilizes the water supply and storage regulated by the CVP's four major northern California reservoirs, Clair Engle, Whiskeytown,...

Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta The Key to Water Transfer
The Delta is a key feature in California's water resources picture. This ecologically sensitive area is currently experiencing adverse effects from water diversions and needed...

Future Expansion of the State Water Project
Measures currently underway by the California Department of Water Resources will result in water transfer enhancements to the State Water Project. Water banking facilities, in the form...

The Need for Water Transfers and the State Water Project
California's water resources do not all occur when and where they are needed to meet growing urban and agricultural needs. Extensive water transfer projects have been constructed...

Droughts and Water Supply
The current drought in California and the western U.S. are set in the framework of drought persistence, drought forecasting and reducing the consequences of droughts. During the fifteen...

The Development of a Hydrologic Drought Index and Termination Rate Probabilities
The development of a hydrologic drought index (HDI) based on drought severity is presented along with a new formulation for drought termination probabilities. Results indicate that termination...

Owens Valley Groundwater Basin Proposed Management
The City of Los Angeles imports over 60 percent of its water supply from the Owens River Watershed through a program of groundwater pumping and surface water diversions as a part of the...

Expanding Groundwater Production in Southern California
The incentive to achieve greater conjunctive use in Southern California has been provided by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California through a special pricing mechanism...





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