Mode Truncation Effects on Flexible Space Structures
This paper deals with the problem of active vibration control of flexible space structures. The main difficulty associated with this problem is that the structure has infinite vibration...

Valve Control to Avoid Column Separation in a Pipe
Maximum pressures in a pipeline can be reduced significantly by closing the valve in an optimal manner. Such an optimal valve closure policy may result in some situations in minimum pressures...

America's Irrigation: Can It Last?
Although irrigated agriculture has made a substantial contribution to food production and the economy in the U.S., its future is now at a crossroads for a variety of reasons. Irrigation...

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's High-Level Waste Repository Licensing Program and Regulatory Strategy
The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) High-Level Waste Repository Licensing Program during the pre-licence application phase consists of activities in the following four areas:...

DOE Perspectives on the Regulatory Framework of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
Key statutes, regulations, and orders that govern the radioactive waste management program are identified. Current and recent regulatory activities are described in the areas of meetings,...

Implementation of NUREG 1318 Guidance Within the Yucca Mountain Project
The U. S. Department of Energy's Yucca Mountain Project is implementing a quality assurance program that fulfills the requirements of the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission...

Evaluation of the Canadian HLW Disposal Program?Performance Assessment Aspects
The inception and development of the Canadian HLW disposal program are described, showing its basis in the multi-barrier system concept and noting the mechanisms in place for its evaluation...

The Technical Review Group: An Application of the Quality Assurance Program Descriptions for Defense High-Level Waste Processing
This paper describes the formation of a technical review group (TRG) as an early application of the quality assurance program for high-level waste processing. The objectives and functions...

Assuring Quality Measurements of Environmental Radioactivity for a High Level Waste Repository
Federal agencies have ordered detailed quality assurance documentation in procedures used for measuring environmental radioactivity during the site characterization phase at the proposed...

Assuring Data Quality for Use in Waste Management System Trade-Off Studies
This paper details the systems engineering approach developed to ensure the integrity of a large data library throughout its development and application. The paper assesses the benefits...

Data Quality Assurance Controls Through the WIPP in Situ Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Management System
Assurance of data quality for the in situ tests fielded at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant is of critical importance. These tests supply the information for development and verification...

Motion Control of Space Structures
A new area of civil engineering is emerging as we begin to establish a permanent presence in space. The new area of civil engineering is the motion control of space structures. This paper...

Actively Controlled Optimum Structural Design
This paper deals with the investigation of the number and location of actuators and sensors on the optimum structure and control design of space structures. The optimization problem is...

Space Construction: A CSI Perspective
This paper outlines the control structure interaction (CSI) problem for space construction engineers. An overview of the Control Astrophysics and Structures Experiment in Space (CASES)...

Challenges and Opportunities in the '90s and Beyond?A U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Perspective
In the foreseeable future, water resources expenditures will probably be dominated by environmental/water quality concerns. Strong focus is coming to bear on the state of repair, rehabilitation...

Optimal Control Strategies for Water Distribution Systems
The overall operation problem becomes one of determining which pumps to run and when to run them so that electrical unit costs and electrical demand charges are minimized while at the...

A Methodology for Optimal Control of Pump Stations
Pumping water to utility customers is an expensive service which consumes large amounts of energy. Most approaches to date require simplifications and assumptions for the specific system...

Realities of Infrastructure Financing
Federal financing of water supply and water treatment projects will continue to decrease as capital demands continue to increase for expansion of water supply, to replace aging systems,...

Legal Issues Presented by the Regionalization of a Water System
The joint development of a water supply and related infrastructure ('regionalization') by independent municipal and private entities presents legal and institutional...

A Travel Time Template for Water Body Field Surveys
A LOTUS 1-2-3 spreadsheet application has been developed to help plan water body surveys. The template calculates travel times between sampling stations and outputs a time schedule for...





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