Importance of Public Consultation
Early consultation with governmental resource agencies as well as private environmental groups can mean the difference between early resolution of conflicts between developers and environmentalists...

Effective Coordination With Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Recently the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) expanded the role communications play in dealing with Fish and Wildlife Agencies. In March of 1985 the FERC publication #FERC-0100...

The Global Outlook for Additional Hydropower Use
The present installed capacity of hydropower, worldwide, is nearly 400,000 megawatts which provides approximately 25 percent of the electricity generated. Extensive studies of the 86-Nation...

IEEE/ASCE TransmissionStructure Foundation Design Guide
The American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Subcommittee on Foundation Design for High-Voltage Transmission Structures was formed in October 1976. The purpose of the Subcommittee...

Performance Study of the Lagoon at Inuvik, N.W.T.
Since 1957, Inuvik's sewage has been discharged into a lagoon situated northwest of the townsite. In 1982 the lagoon was upgraded to a two-stage system. Two primary cells...

The Effect of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems on Disease Patterns on Manitoba Indian Reserves
This study examines the links between water supply and sanitation and health on Indian reserves in Manitoba. Health data on water related diseases were obtained from health care agencies....

Seismic Risk Assessment for a Utility System
Presented is a procedure by which a utility could develop the probabilities for different levels of capital loss exposure for its system. The procedure relies on experience data obtained...

The Effects of the 1985 Mexico City Earthquake on Underground Water & Sewer Pipelines
The 1985 Mexico City Earthquake left thousands dead and many thousands more without shelter. The visible damage was immense and terrible, and familiar to people around the world through...

An Analysis of Traffic Signal Safety Improvements
Identifying high accident rate locations and determining that they have an overrepresented type or pattern of accidents is an important first step in the safety improvement process. However,...

Risk Assessment: Engineering Tool
In factoring in human-health impacts when tackling an environmental problem, risk assessment is often the best approach. Its use is growing fast. The technique increasingly is being used...

A Recommended Federal Action Plan for Reducing Earthquake Hazards of Existing Buildings
In September 1985 a Five-Year Plan for reducing earthquake hazards of existing buildings was submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This plan, prepared by the Applied Technology...

Chloramines: A Better Way?
Chlorination of drinking water has been linked to the formation of carcinogenic trihalomethanes (THMs). By adding ammonia to the water, the chlorine becomes chloramines which don't...

Tallying Water Resources Goals
Federal water resources planning philosophy has undergone a lengthy evolution with a number of refinements in the past decade to encompass environmental laws and the political philosophy...

Integration of EPA Guidelines Air Quality Models with Human Exposure/Risk Estimation Procedures
Techniques, based on dispersion models which are currently available, for performing population and maximum individual exposure and risk assessments due to ambient air emissions are described....

Unit Operations Approach in Exposure/Release Evaluation for New Chemicals
The unit operations approach may also be applied to the estimation of potential exposure and release of toxic materials from the manufacture and/or processing of new chemicals. By characterizing...

Health Effects,Risk Assessment and Guidance for Indoor Radon
Unlike many inorganic elements, radionuclides have no nutritional value. Radionuclides are carcinogenic and uranium is also known to be non-carcinogenic as well. This paper is primarily...

Studies of Long-Term Water Losses
The water-loss time series are formulated for the studied watersheds in the Ohio River Basin through the use of the law of water balance to the system inputs and corresponding outputs....

Agricultural Drainage Policy in the United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural drainage policies in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) generally call for improving the root zone environment for crop production while protecting the resource...

National Perspectives and Policy on Nonpoint Sources of Water Pollution
The paper presents the perspective of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the title subject. It makes the point that while EPA continues to implement the major point source efforts...

Responsibility/Liability Related to Mudflows/Debris Flows
The combined experiences of the authors during the past few decades indicate that many of the problems and losses related to damage from floods, landslides, mud/debris flows, and water-related...





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