Conservation and Water Supply Planning at Army Installations
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the research being conducted by the U.S. Army Institute for Water Resources in providing technical assistance to the Installation Planning Division,...

A Travel Time Template for Water Body Field Surveys
A LOTUS 1-2-3 spreadsheet application has been developed to help plan water body surveys. The template calculates travel times between sampling stations and outputs a time schedule for...

Managing Two Lakes with Significant Tailwater Fisheries
Norfork and Bull Shoals Dams on the White River in Arkansas were constructed in 1944 and 1951, respectively. The authorized purposes were for flood control, hydropower generation, and...

Simulation of a Surface Water Allocation System
This paper outlines the water rights system in Texas and a newly developed computer simulation program for modeling this system. In addition, an overview of a river basin simulation using...

History of Geographic Information Systems, with Applications in Water Resources Planning and Management
Elements of computerized spatial analysis have been used in water resources since the mid '60s, and sophisticated and complex systems incorporating geographic information...

GIS In Water Resources in the Year 2000
This paper presents a look at what the geographic information system (GIS) technology, as applied to water resources, may look like in the year 2000. It presents a description of what...

Ute Mountain Ute Indian Water Rights Settlement of 1988
The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, located in the southwest corner of Colorado, agreed to a negotiated settlement of Winters Doctrine Water Rights rather than pursuing litigation. The Tribe will...

Administration of the Pecos River Compact Between New Mexico and Texas
The Pecos River Compact specifies the allocation of water between New Mexico and Texas. Due to difficulty in reaching agreement Texas sued New Mexico in the Supreme Court. The Court issued...

Water Rights, Water Development, & Growth Issues in Goleta, California
The Goleta Valley and Santa Barbara areas of southern California are highly desirable places to live. In the past, relatively uncontrolled growth of the Goleta Valley area led to a gradual...

Water Basins in the Middle East
In Middle Eastern factional scheming for power, water is viewed as a strategic resource. The distribution of surface waters constitutes the basis for water geopolitics, thus representing...

Water Development Ideology: A New Status Quo
The old ideology of economic growth used to justify water resource development is no longer popular in the Southwest. A new ideology is developing, based on new circumstances....

Water for Houston: The Wallisville Case
The multipurpose Wallisville project included an industrial water supply for Houston. The project was nearly 70 percent complete when environmentalists succeeded in stopping construction...

Hydrology Review for Corps 404 Permit Process
Since 1985 the Corps of Engineers has reviewed Section 404 permit requests in regard to hydrology and hydraulic impacts of developments in the mainstem floodplains of the Trinity River...

Tucson, Arizona's 110-Year Water Resources Plan
The desert community of Tucson, Arizona, has just completed a state-mandated 110-year water supply plan. The plan includes conjunctive use of local groundwater and surface water imported...

A Methodology for Analyzing Alternative Reservoir Sizing, Shortage, and Operating Criteria
The Bureau of Reclamation's shifting emphasis from a construction oriented agency to a water management agency has initiated the development of analytical tools for estimating...

Optimization of Water Resources Allocation Using the Modsim Model
The Fraser River Basin is located in north central Colorado west of the Continental Divide in an alpine basin with elevations ranging from 8,000 to 12,000 feet. Existing permanent resident...

Stochastic Optimization of Conjunctive Use in Pakistan
This paper describes an optimization analysis of conjunctive use of ground and surface water that incorporates stochastic inflows and regional variations in groundwater quality and availability....

Evaluation of Conjunctive Use and Drainage Reduction Strategies
Optimal drainage management strategies for control of salt and selenium contamination problems in the San Joaquin Valley of California must recognize subregional differences in groundwater...

Cranes Roost Lake Level Management Project
An internally drained water body has historically experienced a wide range of lake level elevations due to its function as a regional aquifer recharge area, and due to the urbanized nature...

Real-Time Optimized Control of a Water Distribution System
The paper presents the design of a fully automated real-time computer control scheme for least cost operation of a water distribution system. The scheme includes modules for optimized...





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