Computerizing Public Works Design
Computers are an easy way to increase engineering design productivity. This is especially important to public works departments who have decreasing budgets and increasing work loads. This...

Vail Pass Highway�Respecter of Mountain Ecology
Environmental constraints to a large degree controlled both the design and construction of a 14-mi segment of Interstate Highway 70 through Vail Pass in Colorado and necessitated adoption...

San Antonio Freeway: Social-Impact Landmark
San Antonio's McAllister Freeway, or rather its proposed construction, aroused so much furor as to generate national publicity in the early 1970s. Objections arose because...

Public Works Directors�Why Do Some Stand Out�
William Hennessy, Commissioner of New York State's DOT began as a junior engineering aide, went into real estate acquisitions for the state and later entered the state's...

What Can be Done to Boost the Efficiency of the Civil Engineering Profession�
In view of all the talk about the declining efficiency of American business, how can civil engineering works be planned, designed, constructed, operated, or maintained more efficiently?...

Pavement Recycling Catching On
Sparked by rising prices of asphalt, aggregates, energy, and construction labor, and plagued by a decline in the real dollars available for highway and road maintenance, many highway departments...

How Texas got a New Highway Plan and More Construction Dollars
Texas has a new highway system plan, a new systems approach to highway design and about $300 million a year increase in highway funds over the next 20 years. Here are two articles that...

What's Happened to the Quality of Asphalt�
After the 1973 oil embargo, state highway departments began complaning that the asphalt cement supplied by refineries did not have as before. Although the asphalt met departmental specifications,...

Urban Transportation Financing
The specialty Conference on Urban Transportation Financing examined the difficulties of providing financial support for urban transportation services that have emerged in recent years...

Broadening Horizons
Transportation and Development Around the Pacific
The Pacific Basin is a vast area bounded by five continents and containing thousands of islands. The result is a variety of peoples and cultures, giving rise to a multitude of urban planning...

Highway Embankment Doubles as Dam
By slightly modifying the design of a highway and its drainage, Pennsylvania engineers were able to reclaim about 100 acres of former swampland for residential use. Without extra cost...

More Than Just Another Routine Job
Split-second scheduling, attention to community needs and esthetics�� all figures into the design and construction of the Mission Road highway-railroad grade separation in central Los...

New Use for Filter Fabric: Highway Construction
A growing area of filter fabric use is road construction, both secondary and superhighway. The article focuses on one case history in Cambridge, Maryland where, after a one-year test,...

Top Highway Problems: Finance and Maintenance
The nation's highway departments say their number one problem is inadequate funds. Congress and the Federal Highway Administration are worried that, due to inadequate highway...

Transportation Engineering Research Needs
In June 1979 a workshop on Civil Engineering Research Needs was convened by the National Science Foundation and ASCE. Of 10 subfields into which civil engineering was split, one was transportation...

Winter Roads and Ice Bridges
In order to realize development of the La Grande hydroelectric complex in the James Bay Territory of northern Quebec Province, Canada, the cold weather had to be capitalized on for construction...

U.S. Energy Production�We Must Remove These Roadblocks
A U.S. energy policy statement has been prepared by the Association for the Cooperation in Engineering, which represents 22 engineering societies with memberships totaling 700,000. One...

Pittsburgh's Troubled Bridges: What to Do About Them�
The Pittsburgh area is troubled by old bridges that are badly deteriorated. The metropolitan area has more bridges�� 1,700�� than any other. And some 66 of them have weight limits posted....

County Engineer Throws the Book Away in Intersection Design and Lowers Cost 20%
Article describes the innovative design of a highway intersection that was reconstructed to relieve traffic congestion. The nearest drainage outlet was 2800-ft away and was inadequate,...

Big Thompson Flood Damage was Severe, but Some Could Have Been Prevented
During the Big Thompson flood of 1976, damages resulted from impact by water and debris and from erosion and scour. Houses were lifted from their foundations and floated away; buildings...





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