Dispute Resolution ? A New Approach for Public Acceptance of the High-Level Radioactive Waste Mamagement Regulatory System
This paper examines the feasibility of utilizing Dispute Resolution to significantly reduce the numbers of technical disputes subject to litigation in civil courts or before the NRC to...

Two Citizen Task Forces and the Challenge of the Evolving Nuclear Waste Siting Process
Siting any nuclear waste facility is problematic in today's climate of distrust toward nuclear agencies and fear of nuclear waste. This study compares and contrasts the siting...

The Public Consultation Program on Nuclear Fuel Waste Management in Canada
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited has conducted a public consultation program (PCP) with public interest groups broadly representative of Canadian society to identify the issues of public...

Local Economic Impact Assessment of the Nevada Test Site: A Methodological Prelude to Socioeconomic Assessment of the Proposed Yucca Mountain High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
The economic impact of the high level of nuclear repository can be approximated by studying the economic effects of the Nevada Test Site. Using the UNLV Nevada models, we estimated the...

Public Attitudes Toward a High-Level Nuclear Repository: Implications on the Prospects of Successful Siting
Recent legislation enacted by the State of Nevada makes it illegal to store high-level nuclear waste (HLNW) within state, posing a serious threat to the federal government's...

Social Impact Assessment of Siting the High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository in Nevada: The Use of Risk Future Scenarios in Survey Research
The proposed siting of a high-level nuclear waste repository in the State of Nevada has raised difficult problems with respect to assessing future social impacts. The projection of impacts...

The Development of Small Area Socioeconomic Data to be Utilized for Impact Analysis: Rural Southern Nevada
This paper describes the process by which economic and demographic estimates and projections will be prepared to determine the potential economic and demographic impacts that may result...

Beyond NEPA: A Look at Socioeconomic Impact Assessments Required Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, as Amended
The Department of Energy's Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) has been charged by Congress, through the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, as amended (the Act),...

Hedonic Price Theory: Concept and Applications
Direct and indirect techniques are being used to estimate economic consequences of proximity to existing or proposed public facilities. The hedonic price theory, an indirect technique,...

The Role of Sensor Directed, Model-Based Control in Robotic Handling of Nuclear Waste Casks and Materials
This paper discusses the results from several projects at Sandia National Laboratories investigating the application of intelligent machine technologies to remote handling of nuclear waste...

Spent Fuel and High-Level Waste Management in Selected Countries: Trends and Issues
This paper contains descriptions of the major parameters and plans for management of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive wastes in Belgium, Canada, France, the Federal Republic...

Spent Fuel Storage Requirements for Nuclear Utilities and OCRWM
Projected spent fuel generation at U.S. power reactors exceeds estimated aggregate pool storage capacity by approximately 30,000 metric tons of uranium (MTU). Based on the current repository...

Site Selection Criteria for Constructing an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) at a Commercial Nuclear Power Plant
Commercial nuclear power plants in the U.S. are responsible for providing their own interim storage for excess spent fuel. A facility located onsite, acting as a buffer between in-pool...

Choosing AT-Reactor Spent Fuel Storage Technologies
Need for expansion of the spent fuel storage capability of reactor sites was first caused by delays in construction of reprocessing facilities, later by cessation of commercial reprocessing...

Concrete Cask Storage Technology
The paper presents the design and operation of the new dry storage system for nuclear waste. The system was designed by complete nuclear, thermal-hydraulic and structural analysis to the...

Comparative Analyses of Spent Nuclear Fuel Transport Modal Options
The movement of nuclear waste can be accomplished by various transport modal options involving different types of vehicles, transport casks, transport routes, and intermediate intermodal...

Optimizing the Spent Fuel Transportation Cask for Spent Fuel Age and Burnup: A Preliminary Analysis
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has been assigned responsibility for managing the nation's spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Because of the large quantity of SNF to be moved,...

Transportation Cask Life Cycle Cost Uncertainty Analysis
This paper demonstrates an uncertainty analysis methodology using random sampling. This methodology has been applied to a nuclear waste transportation code, and several transportation...

Size and Transportation Capabilities of the Existing U.S. Cask Fleet
This study investigates the current spent nuclear fuel cask fleet capability in the United States. In addition, it assesses the degree to which the current fleet would be available, as...

Analysis of RADTRAN Transportation Model
The RADTRAN computer model, used to estimate the risks of transporting waste to a high-level repository, is critically reviewed. Ignoring high consequence accidents, human error, sabotage,...





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