Research Needs in Hydraulic Engineering
The information presented herein has barely dented the surface of the needs for hydraulic research, and of the methods required to obtain funding for that research. The responses and reports...

Real Time Forecast of Landfill Leachate Flow
A computer model was written to describe the generation of landfill leachate due to large precipitation events. The landfill is described as a multi-layer system, each layer having its...

Assessment Procedures for Lahars, Mudflows, Debris Flows and Debris Torrents
Unique hydraulic and rheologic characteristics of lahars, mudflows, debris flows and debris torrents require specialized assessment procedures. This paper discusses a fourteen element...

Velocity Reduction at a Submerged Pipe Outlet
This paper presents the results of a specific model study to reduce the 17.5 m/s (57.3 ft/s) discharge velocity of a submerged circular pipe discharging at floor level into a 30.5 m (100...

Hydraulic Analysis of the McCook Outlet Manifold
A 1:40-scale model of the proposed McCook Outlet Manifold was tested at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES). Subsequently, flow conditions in the manifold were calculated...

Surface Flows Over Intertidal Marshes
A marsh-flow measuring device has been designed to quantify the flow across the marsh surface. The fluorometric technique by tracking the visible substance (Rhodamine red dye) applied...

Development of San Gorgonio Pass Groundwater Flow Model I. Model Calibration
A groundwater flow model is being developed for use in management of a planned groundwater storage and recovery program for the Beaumont Storage Unit of the San Gorgonio Pass groundwater...

A Model for Low-Drag Landslides
Field observations and experimental records indicate that the primary mode of motion of many large landslides is that of sliding rather than flowing. Most of the shear during sliding is...

Debris Flow Velocity Estimation Methods for Natural Hazard Assessment
Debris flows are a special category of fluid and mass flow phenomena in which natural runoff entrains extremely high concentrations of sediment. The sediment-water mixture has properties...

Computational Modeling of Sedimentation Processes
The Committee on Computer modeling is a part of the task force on updating ASCE Manual 54, `Sedimentation Engineering.' The task will require a new chapter since computer...

The DWR Delta Data Assembly Project
While much progress has been made in advancing the theoretical development of estuary models, relatively little effort has been made in improving the quality and quantity of historical...

Quality Control in Evaluating Scour at Bridges
Quality control procedures currently in use for conducting statewide bridge scour screening and evaluation studies are described. The procedures address bridge scour screening and calculation...

Mechanics of Riprap Movement in Tidal Flow
This analysis emphasizes the need to obtain data on the size and shape of riprap pieces as a function of movement, data which are surprisingly difficult to obtain from published studies....

San Francisco Bay and Delta Oil Spill Fate Studies Part II: Oil Spill Simulation
Because of the presence of oil refineries and significant tanker and barge traffic in the bay and delta region, the possibility of a moderate or major spill in the area must be considered....

New Methodology for Optimization of Freshwater Inflows to Estuaries
The objective of this paper is to present a new methodology for determining the optimal fresh water inflows into bays and estuaries to maximize fish harvest while satisfying the freshwater...

Incipient Motion in Gravel-Bed Rivers
Incipient motion processes are reviewed for bed material in gravel-bed rivers. Prediction difficulties are identified. Research results are reported for field and flume studies to investigate...

Plans for a Sensitivity Analysis of Bridge-Scour Computations
Plans for an analysis of the sensitivity of Level 2 bridge-scour computations are described. Cross-section data from 15 bridge sites in Texas are modified to reflect four levels of field...

Computer Aided Design and Cost Estimation of Gabion Lined Channels
Rivers are a dynamic part of the hydrologic cycle. Changes in discharge, flow depth, water velocity, and meander patterns contribute to this dynamic nature. As a result, portions of a...

Water Surface Profile Computations?How Many Sections do I Need?
One-dimensional streamflow models, including standard-step models, require a sufficient number of cross sections to satisfy two needs. First, a sufficient number of cross sections must...

Criticality of Density Intrusions
Previous analyses of density intrusions indicates that a steady interface cannot be maintained if the front propagates at a speed greater than that of long interfacial waves. Supercritical...





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