Large Floods and Climate Change in the Southwestern United States
Floods can have a tremendous impact on water resources but their properties may fluctuate at frequencies that defy recognition in short-term instrumented records. Paleoflood deposits provide...

Field Observation of Roll-waves in Debris Flow
In 1979, the observatory of debris flow was set up in the Hase River of Mt. Sakurajima in Japan which is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Obvious roll-waves on each debris...

Erodible Channel Models: State of the Art Review
This paper presents a review of existing modeling techniques, their physical and mathematical background, and applicabilities. Major areas of progress are outlined and difficulties are...

Armor Layer Evolution
This communication presents an analysis of celerity propagation for non-uniform materials. Based on the corresponding flow, sediment transpot and sorting/armoring equations, the celerity...

Channel-changing Processes on the Santa Cruz River, Pima County, Arizona, 1936-86
Lateral channel change on the mainly ephemeral Santa Cruz River, Pima County, Arizona, causes damage and has spawned costly efforts to control bank erosion. Aerial photographs, historical...

Predicting Stream Width and Bank Retreat
The width of streams is dependent on the flood flow discharge which varies from year to year, the bank material which varies from stream to stream and reach to reach, the sediment load...

Hydraulic Bridge Design for Movable Bed Conditions
This paper addresses the practical considerations of hydraulic design of a bridge under movable bed conditions. Hydraulic design tasks include pier and abutment scour calculations, design...

Water Budget Analysis for Semi-Arid Alluvial Basins
In developing arid basins in the southwestern United States, the availability of suitable water supplies is of critical importance. Scarcity of dependable, perennial streams and rivers...

Regional Flood-Frequency Relations for Streams with Many Years of No Flow
In the southwestern United States, flood-frequency relations for streams that drain small arid basins are difficult to estimate, largely because of the extreme temporal and spatial variability...

Drought Risk Analysis Based on Hydrologic Records of the River Nile
The characteristics of the parameters of hydrologic droughts are studied by analysing and modeling the maximum and 'minimum' stage-level series of the River Nile...

Regional Flood Frequency Equations for Antelope Valley in Kern County, California
Rapid residential, commercial, and industrial development has occurred in recent years in the Antelope Valley, California. With the new development progressing at full speed, the local...

Model of Deposition of Grains from Debris Flow
Rapid deposition of grains from debris flow occurs in a channel whose slope angle decreases abruptly. A model of the deposition is presented on the basis of experiments and theoretical...

Limit Concentration of Suspended Sediment
It is found from experiments that there is a limit on suspended sediment concentration. The limit concentration of uniform sediment varies with sediment diameter, and it is about 1000...

Sediment Transport Characteristics of Hyperconcentrated Flow with Suspended Load
In this paper, based on the analysis of the ovserved data, a set of theories is proposed of the transport of heper-concentrated sediment, the basic points of which are: (1) The hyperconcentrated...

A Mathematical Model of Erosion and Sedimentation of Hyperconcentrated Flow in Reservoirs
The motion of the flow with hyperconcentration has its unique law. In this paper, based on the analysis of the motion of the flow with hyperconcentration of sediment and the sediment transport...

A Study on Sediment Transportation in Debris Flow
By analysing the observation data of debris flows at the Jiangjia Ravine, Dongchuan, Yunnan Province, China in 1982-1986, this paper comprehensively and systematically describes the sediment...

Estimating Sediment Delivery and Yield on Alluvial Fans
This paper summarizes the procedures used for computing the basinwide annual yields and single event sediment production for ephemeral channels located on an incised alluvial fan in Central...

Sediment Sources, Transport and Delivery to an Alluvial Fan, Caliente Creek, California
Sediment delivery to a proposed flood detention reservoir site in the medial region of the Caliente Creek alluvial fan is dependant on the magnitude and duration of flood flows. Because...

Moving Toward the Millennium
The last decade of the 1990's is just beginning and paradoxically the water resources readily available to Clark County, Nevada are just ending. In a few short years Nevada's...

Risk Analysis as a Tool to Determine Spillway Design Capacities
Lyman Dam is an earth and rockfill structure located on the Little Colorado River approximately 11 miles south and upstream of St. Johns, Arizona. Several studies examining the safety...





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