Pier Stabilization Eliminates Need to Reconstruct Damaged Bridge
After an ice jam near a six-span bridge restricted normal water passage, the ensueing high velocity water caused underscouring of one of the piers, leaving it ineffective as a bridge support....

Heavy Timber Structures and Bridges
Development and application of treated glued-laminated timber is a landmark event in structural engineering history. The inertia of this event has produced continued, rapid and dramatic...

Structural Wood Research
State-of-the-Art and Research Needs
Timber is an abundant and renewable natural resource and its use exceeds all other construction material. Structural wood represents a challenge of vast dimensions and attention to various...

Cofferdams Protecting New York Bridges from Ship Collisions
During the past few decades, there have been a number of cases where ships have rammed bridge piers, triggering the superstructure's collapse. The most tragic case was the...

Preventing Another Sunshine Skyway Bridge Disaster
America will not soon forget the tragic collapse of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge into Tampa Bay almost two years ago. That accident was a costly lesson in the crucial importance of protecting...

Steel Cable-Stayed Bridges: Can They Compete in the U.S.?
During the past decade, concrete bridge designs have been winning more bids for contracts than steel cable-stayed bridges. Reasons for this trend are examined. A brief evolution of bridge...

Bloomington Lake�Potomac River Water Resources Project
The recently completed $174 million Bloomington Lake project has improved flood control and water quality to the benefit of millions of people downstream. The headwaters of the Potomac...

Denny Creek: The Toughest Bridge Washington State Ever Built
The story of how highway planners and engineers in Washington State's Department of Transportation were stopped from building a highway and viaduct through a pristine wilderness...

Inspecting Town Bridges in Connecticut
A federally financed inventory and inspection program for town bridges was carried out in Connecticut. This article describes how the authors' firm inspected 343 bridges of...

Engineers Notebook: Checking Capacities of Eccentrically Loaded Columns on an Existing Bridge
This article focuses on the structural analysis of eccentrically loaded columns. A simple and novel graphical technique for determining the load-carrying capacity of the columns is presented....

Replacing Corroded Cables on a Cable-Stayed Bridge
The cable-stayed bridge across Venezuela's Lake Maracaibo is among the longest bridges of its type. But after years of service, corroded cables threatened to snap, which would...

Calendar: 1983 Brooklyn Bridge Centennial Calendar
Photos include: Spanning the River; The Caissons; The New York Caisson and Tower; Construction of the Towers; The Anchorages; Cable Making; The Cables Complete; Manhattan Tower; The New...

Historic Preservation of Engineering Works
The preservation of historic industrial and transportation engineering works is examined. Preservation is reviewed in the context of history, and preservation through recording is explored....

Oregon Bridge Features Innovative Bell Piers, Floating Falsework
The I-205 bridge, scheduled for completion in 1983, will be a final link in a 40-mile highway east of Portland, Oregon. the substructure and superstructure design featured unusual technology....

Wicks, Fabrics and Sawdust Overcome Thick Mud
A new Dumbarton bridge is replacing the original which was built in 1927 to cross San Francisco Bay at its southern end. The bridge approaches are constructed on top of salt ponds, with...

Structural Plastics for the 80s
Engineers in non-civil fields have been using more and more light-weight, high-strength structural plastics and plastic composites every year, but civil engineers have barely begun to...

Structures Around the World�Celebration of Man's Creativity
At the ASCE New York International Convention in May, the most talked about subject was structures. Some of those described are among man's most beautiful and impressive works,...

Swiss Bridge Design Spans Time and Distance
Having long played crucial roles in Switzerlands history, modern bridges there now lead technical innovation in design and construction. Two recently completed Swiss Bridges bridges of...

A Guide for the Field Testing of Bridges
The history and present use of bridge testing are reviewed. The benefits of bridge testing include safety and reliability, the money saved by not constructing a new bridge, the improvement...

Annotated Bibliography on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
Articles, reports, books, data and other information relative to lifeline earthquake engineering are listed as a guide to researchers and practicing engineers. Each citation in the bibliography...





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