Shore Protection Construction Along the California Coast
Severe beach, cliff and bluff erosion is occurring along the urban communities on the 1800 miles of ocean, bay and estuarine shoreline of California. This report is an overview of the...

Beach Erosion in Florida: A Challenge for Planning and Management
A substantial portion of the sandy beach shoreline in Florida is considered to be 'critically' eroding. 'Critical' erosion, as used...

Beyond Mitigation: Achieving Habitat Restoration and Enhancement at the Local Level
The City of Olympia, located on Budd Inlet in Puget Sound, has undertaken the development of an Urban Waterfront Plan. This plan will become part of the Shoreline Master Program, the local...

Increased Attention to Ocean and Coastal Protection Legislation in the 101st Congress
For all the grumbling about the ineffectiveness of Congress, the 101st Congress produced a surprising number of critical pieces of coastal- and ocean-related legislation, and began the...

Radical Environmentalism, The New Approach: The Removal of Oil as a Primary Goal of Oil Spill Clean Up
In this paper the author examines the alternative methods of abating a catastrophic oil spill and compares these methods to the controlled burning of an oil spill using a fire-resistant...

Natural Resource Trustee Responsibilites: An Awakening Titan
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA), and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) designate the...

Environmental Impact Assessment and the Conservation of Marine Biological Diversity
Legislation is pending to include assessment of biodiversity in the Environmental Impact Statement process and revise the National Environmental Policy Act to better address the conservation...

Environmental Impact Assessment Requirements for Coastal Development in Malaysia
The social and economic consequences of coastal erosion and the concern generated have increased rapidly in Malaysia as development of coastal areas escalates. The need for a proper management...

The Use of Computer Mapping to Establish Historical Erosion Rates and Coastal Cosntruction Setbacks in New Jersey
New Jersey's Rules on Coastal Zone Management define coastal policies which guide public decisions about significant proposed development and management of resources of New Jersey's coastal...

Aerial Videotape Mapping of Coastal Geomorphic Changes
An aerial geomorphic mapping system was developed to examine the spatial and temporal variability in the coastal geomorphology of Louisiana. Between 1984 and 1990 eleven sequential annual...

Sonar Mapping of Giant Kelp Density and Distribution
The methods of estimating the density and distribution of giant kelp, Macrocystic pyrifera, and substrate type, using side-scanning and down-looking sonar are described. These techniques...

Quantitative Mapping of Coastal Habitats and Natural Resource Distributions: Application to Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Effective management of the coastal zone is dependent on the availability of accurate information on the distributions of natural resources in both time and space. However, comprehensive...

The Acqisition of Remotely Sensed Sargassum Information on Daya Bay
The nuclear power plant on Daya Bay is the largest nuclear power plant under construction in China. In order to obtain reliable data about the possibility of blocking of the water intake...

Classification System of Environmental Units for Land Use and Coastal Planning in Baja California, Mexico
The incidence of development on Baja California's coastal zone has produced an excessive demand on coastal resources with degradation of the environment and conflicts in land...

Golf Course Development Concerns in Coastal Zone Management
The rapid growth of golf course development in South Carolina's coastal zone presents new challenges in protecting coastal water and wetlands. While filling or dredging of...

The States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force
The States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force, consisting of government representatives from Washington, British Columbia, Alaska, Oregon, and California, formed in 1989 in response...

California's Oil Spill Prevention and Cleanup Preparedness?Anatomy of an Emerging Public Policy
This paper provides a discussion and analysis of the development of oil spill prevention and cleanup policy in California, particularly as it evolved after the major oil spills in the...

Oil-Spill Contingency Planning for OCS Operations
Oil-spill preparedness and response have been an important part of the Minerals Management Service (MMS) regulatory program since the Santa Barbara spill in 1969. The focus of the spill...

Reformulation Efforts for Panama City Beaches, Florida
The Panama City Beaches project was authorized by the Water Resources Development Act of 1986. The authorized plan provides for the placement of a protective beach to elevation 4 feet...

Numerical Modeling of Storm-Induced Beach Erosion, Folly Beach, South Carolina, Beach Fill Alternatives
The U.S. Army Engineer District, Charleston (SAC), is developing a National Economic Development (NED) Plan for providing northeaster and hurricane storm protection for the municipality...





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