Allen-McColloch Pipeline Computer Based Control System
The Allen McColloch Pipeline (AMP) was designed to deliver 416 cfs of treated water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California's Diemer Water Treatment Plant...

Rehab: More Art than Science
A survey of structural/civil engineers revealed that low fees are the major problem in structural rehabilitation work. Other concerns are unforseen conditions, inadequate investigation,...

Evaluating Data Collectors as a Surveying Tool
Data collectors play an increasingly important role in surveying. The data collector serves as an interface between the total station and the computer and as an electronic assistant to...

Harmonizing Organizational and Personal Needs
A system is presented for result-oriented allocation of time, energy and resources between the three important forces controlling any manager's life: himself, his family and...

Yield Behaviour and Consolidation. I: Pore Pressure Response
This paper discusses the frequency of occurrence of anomalous consolidation behaviour. The behaviour of soft clay is discussed briefly in terms of the effective stress path/yield envelope...

Yield Behaviour and Consolidation. II: Strength Gain
In Part I it was shown that in situ yielding of soft foundation clays significantly affected consolidation behaviour and that yield could be defined using the effective stress path/yield...

ASCE Salary Survey 1983
This is the seventeenth report in a series of biennial salary surveys conducted by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Salary data is reported on seven major categories for civil...

Infrastructure: Money and Methods
State and local governments have started to cope with their infrastructure problems by passing bond issues, establishing infrastructure banks to centralize resources and decision making,...

An Offshore Mound Constructed of Dredged Material
The concept of using dredged material to intentionally construct an underwater mound was tested and confirmed at the Dam Neck Disposal Site, 4 miles offshore Virginia Beach, Virginia....

Fundamentals of Agitation Dredging
The definition and basic principles of agitation dredging are discussed. Equipment for agitation dredging is categorized. The principles of operation, advantages, and disadvantages of...

An Application of Acoustic Core Analysis
This technique has shown itself to be extremely successful at Roberts Bank, in a highly variable bottom material, where shallow depths were not a significant problem, and some borehole...

SCS Water Supply Forecasting Opportunities
SCS personnel have been surveying the mountain snowpack, collecting other hydrometeorological data, and providing water supply forecasts to users for nearly 50 years. Recently, the snow...

Hydraulic Research--U.S. Geological Survey
Research at the Gulf Coast Hydroscience Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, is being conducted in an indoor laboratory, and an outdoor laboratory. Much of the current indoor lab research...

Electronic Traffic Management
High technology has entered the world of traffic and transportation management with such new optical and electronic devices as transponders, retro-reflective stickers, microprocessors,...

Light Rail Gains New Momentum
Light rail, which evolved from the old trolley lines, is staging a comeback in U.S. cities. Light rail is a fixed guideway, operator controlled system, offering an alternative to heavy...

Building on Air
Copley Place, a $500 million hotel/retail/office/residential complex, was built on air rights over the Massachusetts Turnpike and an adjacent railroad in Boston. Two hotels occupy land...

Highway Capacity Manual Revisited
The forthcoming third edition of this manual of highway and traffic engineering, due in 1985, will significantly change how highway capacity is analyzed. Of the edition's...

A New Panama Canal?
The Panama Canal is expected to be obsolete by the end of the century. Already there are serious problems with ship traffic through the Canal: volume of traffic is down, average transit...

The Three Point Resection: An Alternate Method
When doing stadia or topographic surveying, it is not always economical or practical to establish the location of the transit or plane table via a field traverse. If three points of known...

Peachtree Center Station is the only mined transit station in the U.S. using reinforced native rock for permanent support. The station, serving some 34,000 patrons a day, is the largest...





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