Review of PIM (Pipeline Insertion Method) Technology
The U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USACERL) conducted the first demonstration of PIM (Pipeline Insertion Method, formerly Pipe Insertion Machine) technology for...

Stress Relaxation Characteristics of the HDPE Pipe-Soil System
All piping materials and soils are subject to viscoelastic behavior such as stress relaxation and creep. The combination of soil and pipe viscoelastic properties determine the time-dependent...

Innovative Concept for Prestressed Pressure Pipe
A new design and manufacturing concept was developed by General Atomics for prestressed pressure pipe. With this new concept, patented in the U.S. and in the major industrialized nations,...

Corrosion Protection of Cast Iron and Ductile Iron Pipe, San Diego, California
This paper addresses the use of a loose unbonded plastic covering polyethylene encasement for protection of cast and ductile iron pipe in an extremely corrosive soil. The case study in...

Measured Performance and Numerical Analysis of Buried Pipe
This study shows that the behavior of a soil pipe system can be assessed by a nonlinear elasto-plastic finite element analysis. The results of numerical calculations are compared to the...

Design of Drainage Pipes Below Landfills
Drainage pipes are an essential component of landfills. Even though their embedment conditions differ substantially from those of pipes for municipal utilities near the ground surface,...

FE Elastic Analysis of Measured Earth Pressure on Buried Rigid Pipes in Centrifuged Models
FE elastic analyses of earth pressure on buried rigid pipes yielded results that agreed well with the earth pressure measured in 42 centrifuged models, confirming both the reliability...

The Effect of Compaction on Buried Flexible Pipes
This contribution presents an analysis of the installation of flexible pipes in granular soil. The deformation of the pipe cross section is measured in field and laboratory tests. It is...

Designing Vitrified Clay Pipe Systems with EASE
NCPI has developed a computerized trench load design program which provides a broad and complete spectrum of design options which will enable engineers and contractors to safely design...

Field Experiment on Behavior of Continuous Water Main with a Miter Bend
A field experiment was conducted to investigate behaviors of a buried continuous steel water main with a 90-degree miter bend subjected to internal pressure and ground settlement. Deformations...

A Preliminary Model for Carbon-14 Transport in a Clay Buffer
A model has been developed to assess the effect of calcite dissolution and precipitation reactions on the transport of 14C through a saturated, calcite-containing...

Diffusion Coefficients and Hydraulic Conductivity in Unsaturated Hanford Soils and Sediments
Two groundwater transport parameters of some Hanford formation materials, the hydraulic conductivity and the diffusion coefficient, were measured to aid in predicting contaminant migration....

Reconnaissance ? ??C and ??8O Data from Trench 14, Busted Butte, and Drill Hole G-4, Yucca Mountain, Nevada Test Site
Trench 14 was excavated to investigate the extent of Quaternary movement on the Bow Ridge fault, a north-south structure on the east side of Yucca Mountain. The trench exposes calcite...

Lunar Base Elements Designed for Robotic Operations
Equipment concepts developed for a study of robotic lunar surface operations are presented. The concepts were evolved together with a consistent robotic buildup and operations scenario;...

Composting for Lunar Agriculture
Alternative technologies for the microbially mediated biological oxidative transformation (composting) of human wastes and other organic wastes are presented. Batch mode and continuous...

Creede, Colorado?Channel Rehabilitation
The existing grouted stone channel in Creede, Colorado, is approaching the end of its useful life. The channel is subjected to repeated freeze-thaw cycles causing spalling of the grout...

Wastewater Balance for Storage Pond at Land Treatment Site
Land application is an established method for treating municipal wastewater in the United States. Most land application operations include on-site facilities to store wastewater during...

Nonpoint Source Pollution Control & Land Use
Nonpoint source pollution control requires dealing with city, suburban and rural activities, and controlling pollution either at source, by detention basin quality control or by treatment...

Morris Sheppard Dam: A Rational Approach to Stability Analysis
This paper details the excessive foundation piezometric conditions found during a routine five-year inspection, and presents the results of backfigured stability analysis of a critical...

Benefit/Cost Analysis of Stormwater Detention Systems
In the past, detention basins have been designed to control peak discharge rates. However, there is considerable interest in using the detention basin for control of nonpoint source pollution....





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