ECOR, an International Organization Active in the Coastal Zone
The Engineering Committee on Oceanic Resources is an international organization that fosters and facilitates cooperation in the field of ocean engineering. The purpose of ECOR is: (a)...

ECO-NEIGHBORHOOD and Citizen Action
This paper describes a new technique to focus professional and technical expertise in neighborhood settings where people are dedicated to making a difference....

Project Performance: Ocean City, Maryland Beach Nourishment
Detailed monitoring of the performance of a two-phase beach nourishment project has provided valuable information on beach fill behavior and long-term response of a beach fill to prevailing...

A Verified Model for Harbor Entrance Sedimentation
This paper presents the development of a verified sedimentation model which is capable of quantifying the rate of dredged navigation channel sedimentation under local waves and currents....

Calculating Erosion Rates: Using Long-Term Data to Increase Data Confidence
Computer cartographic techniques were used to produce historical shoreline change maps for two study areas: (1) an eight kilometer section of Calvert County, Maryland; and (2) an eight...

Assessing Coastal Bluff Erosion Along the Oregon Coast Using Available Materials
This pilot study was initiated by Oregon's Department of Geology and Mineral Industry (DOGAMI) in an effort to determine erosion rates applicable to the coastal bluffs of Oregon's shoreline....

Tidal Pumping Effects in Coastal Loop Canals
During the last half century the world's coastal zones have been rapidly developed and urbanized, especially in the industrialized world. The coastline of the State of Florida is a typical...

A Classification of the Coastal Dunes of Louisiana
The aeolian deposits of the barrier coastlines of Louisiana to the west of the active delta of the Mississippi have been studied intensively for almost 20 years. The dunes, dune terraces...

Revitalizing the Florida Coastal Management Program
The Florida Coastal Management Program has received critical evaluations from the Federal Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management citing serious concerns about the effectiveness...

Performance of an Upland Source Nourishment Project Honeymoon Island, Florida
Honeymoon Island is a barrier island located on the central Gulf coast of Florida. The history of the island demonstrates both natural and engineered changes in island shape and orientation...

Environmental Planning in Baja California, Mexico: A Methodological Approach
The conservation of biodiversity and natural systems has led to a growing attraction for improved conservation practices and planning in the last ten years. According to Soule (1991),...

The History of the Black Sea Coastal Zone Studies
The exploration of the Black Sea coast by Russian hydrographers began in the early 19th century. Hydrographic expeditions of Budishev (1802) and Zarudny (80-ties of the 19th century) provided...

Geoecology of the Black Sea Coastal Zone
Author understands geoecology as a field of science investigating mechanisms of destruction of biosphere by man through his influence on the ocean relief, sediments and suspended matter....

Longshore Sediment Transport and Radionuclide Dispersion in the Black Sea Coastal Zone
After the Chernobyl accident the studies of the longshore sediment transport in the Black Sea have got new applications connected with a marine pollution problem. The method to calculate...

Calculation of Longshore Sediment Transport on Abrasive Coasts with Attached Pebble Beaches
The calculation scheme and expressions are suggested for flow power of universal nature which expresses the flow capacity such that the sediment transport is proportional to the flow longitudinal...

New Structures Used for Protection of the Black Sea Coasts
New construction of coastal protective issues, elaborated in SIA Saknapirdatsva are described in this paper: such as two-chamber crib retaining wall, through coast grayne, hollow concrete...

Specific Features of Shoreline Development in Sochi Region and Engineering Methods of Coast Protection
A coast segment from Tuapse City to the Psou River, 113 km long, is extended in this paper. Geological description of the coast has been made, and approximate values of the abrasion rate...

The Azov-Black Sea Coast of Russia?An Experience of Artificial Beach Formation
There is a tendency in modern cost protective engineering to expand the scales of artificial beach formation. The first sandy beach was filled in 1971 in Gelendzhik Bay. In 1982 wide scale...

Specific Features of the North-Eastern Black Sea Shelf Stucture
The results of field geological-lithodynamic and geomorphological studies and the review of published data have been used to analyze the structure of the North-Eastern Black Sea coastal...

Coast Dynamics and Coast-Protective Measures on the Crimean Black Sea Coast
The main data on hydro- and lithodynamics of the Crimean Black Sea coast are presented. The principal coast-protecting measures are described as used on various coast sections. The construction...





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