A Strategic Approach to Planning and Financing Public Facilities
This paper presents a comprehensive, strategic approach to planning and financing public facilities by a toll road authority. Because the Authority finances projects through the sale of...

Strategic Planning and Management Investing in Your Enterprise
Strategic planning and management can be effectively utilized in public enterprises. It can also enhance required planning, programming, and reporting systems and thereby capitalize on...

Strategic Planning/Management in a State Transportation Agency
This paper examines the concept of strategic planning/management as described in management literature and describes a recent application in a state transportation agency. The paper concludes...

The Success Story of Connecticut Limousine
Connecticut Limousine operates scheduled limousine service between various Connecticut communities and the three New York area airports. It has achieved a nearly 50 percent market share....

Cost Effective Transit Capital Planning
The analysis required for expansion of capital assets in public transit is complex and inter-disciplinary. Economic analysis is only one part of that overall evaluation. Thus, expansion...

Applying Private Sector Financial Incentives to Urban Transit
Financial incentives for both managers and workers are widely used in the private sector to spur increased performance and productivity. Can they work in the transit industry? This paper...

Revenue Diversification for Transportation: Stepping Beyond Public-Private Partnerships
The objective of the discussion is to explore a range of revenue generating activities which may be undertaken by public sector transportation providers, transit and highway transportation...

Generating Alternative Financing Models for Urban Transportation: An Application of the Idea Machine
The purpose of this research was to examine how localities in Virginia could obtain funds for urban highway construction and maintenance, and indirectly, for mass transit from the so-called...

Microcomputer Applications in Transportation II
This book contains over 80 papers associated with the North American Conference on Microcomputers in Transportation held in Boston, Mass., from June 29-July 1, 1987. The papers address...

Managing Urban Transportation as a Business
This book contains papers and discussion summaries from the specialty conference Managing Urban Transportation as a Business held in Orlando, Florida in 1987. The purpose of the conference...

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1986
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Vol. 151, 1986 contains abstracts for all ASCE journal papers and technical notes,...

ASCE Annual Combined Index 1986
The 1986 ASCE Annual Combined Index provides a guide to materials appearing in publications of ASCE published during 1986. This includes papers and technical notes from ASCE technical...

Escondido Decision?Results, Impacts & Applications
The United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision of May 15, 1984, now requires Federal agencies and potential licensees to be more responsive to public needs and requirements....

Innovative Approach to New Water Supply/Power Development
Since the first deliveries made by the State Water Project (SWP) in the early 1960's the State of California has become known worldwide as a pioneer in the development of...

An Overview of the Implementation of PURPA
In November of 1978, Congress enacted a major piece of legislation that started a new direction in how energy resources in this country would be developed in the next decade. The Act,...

The Municipal Preference and Hydropower Project Finance
There is a continuing search for a way to combine private financing, using tax benefits provided under the Internal Revenue Code, with the municipal preference provided under the Federal...

Financing the Town Bluff Hydropower Project
The Town Bluff Dam Hydropower Project is the first new Federal hydropower project to be completely financed by a non-Federal entity where all of the construction funds would be provided...

A Cost-Sharing Alternative for Federal-Private Water Projects
A proposed cost-sharing alternative for financing of a joint Federal-State multipurpose water project is presented. The philosophy of recent and present Federal administrations on non-Federal...

Public Involvement Strategies: A Case Study in Citizen Participation
Literally millions of dollars are wasted every year because authorized and funded water projects are stalled in court, hung up in administrative proceedings, or delayed while the project...

Small-Hydro Development and Public Decisionmaking
This paper is based on a larger study (Soden, 1985), and employs concepts distilled from public choice theory - an increasingly well-accepted approach to the study of public policy and...





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