Valve Control to Avoid Column Separation in a Pipe
Maximum pressures in a pipeline can be reduced significantly by closing the valve in an optimal manner. Such an optimal valve closure policy may result in some situations in minimum pressures...

Innovative Concept for Prestressed Pressure Pipe
A new design and manufacturing concept was developed by General Atomics for prestressed pressure pipe. With this new concept, patented in the U.S. and in the major industrialized nations,...

Design of Ductile Iron Pipe on Supports
Design procedures for ductile iron pipe in normal underground service have been well established. The standard design considers hoop stresses in the pipe wall due to internal hydrostatic...

Failure of Prestressed Concrete Embedded Cylinder Pipe
In 1964, the Ontario Provincial Government undertook to supply water to the City of London (current population 300,000). The supply source was from Lake Huron near Grand Bend, Ontario...

Pipeline Explodes, Two Dead, 31 Injured, 11 Homes Destroyed
A high pressure pipeline in a suburb of San Bernardino, California exploded in a deadly fireball on May 25, 1989. Damaged as a result of a train wreck several weeks earlier, or by the...

FE Elastic Analysis of Measured Earth Pressure on Buried Rigid Pipes in Centrifuged Models
FE elastic analyses of earth pressure on buried rigid pipes yielded results that agreed well with the earth pressure measured in 42 centrifuged models, confirming both the reliability...

Analysis of Alternative Pipe Materials for a Major Public Water Agency
A major southwestern public water agency has historically specified the exclusive use of prestressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP) for large diameter water transmission mains. Due to the...

Field Experiment on Behavior of Continuous Water Main with a Miter Bend
A field experiment was conducted to investigate behaviors of a buried continuous steel water main with a 90-degree miter bend subjected to internal pressure and ground settlement. Deformations...

Keeping Lifelines Alive
There were no city water supplies to fight the fires in San Francisco after last year's earthquake. The fires were brought under control because of an historic auxiliary water...

Simulation of Reactive Chemical Transport in a Varying Thermal Field with Reaction-Flow Coupling
A computer program, THCVP, simulates coupling between advective/diffusive solute transport and chemical reactions, coupling of the reactions to heat transport, and feedback from precipitation/dissolution...

One-Dimensional Radionuclide Transport Under Time-Varying Conditions
New analytical and numerical solutions are presented for one-dimensional radionuclide transport under time-varying fluid-flow conditions including radioactive decay. The analytical solution...

A Gas-Flow Source Term from a Nuclear Waste Container in an Unsaturated Medium
The potential nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain is to be in partially saturated rock. Released radioactive gases would have a direct pathway to the biosphere. The entry of air...

A Numerical Study of Some Effects of Nuclear Fuel Waste Vault Construction and Closure on Evolution of Groundwater Flow Paths in the Geosphere
We have performed a series of three dimensional finite-element simulations on the sensitivity of the groundwater flow paths and travel times in a conceptual hydrogeological model with...

Permeability and Dispersivity of Variable-Aperture Fracture Systems
A number of recent experiments have pointed out the need of including the effects of aperture variation within each fracture in predicting flow and transport properties of fractured media....

A Stratified Percolation Model for Saturated and Unsaturated Flow Through Natural Fractures
The geometry of the asperities of contact between the two surfaces of a fracture and of the adjacent void spaces determines fluid flow through a fracture and the mechanical deformation...

Study of Fractal Aperture Distribution and Flow in Fractures
This study examines the roughness profiles and aperture distributions of fractures and faults by using concepts from fractal geometry. Simple models of flow of fluid in rough fractures...

Geochemical Modeling: An Integrated Approach to Nuclear Waste Disposal Issues
To meet nuclear waste repository licensing requirements, the response of repository components and of the enclosing host rocks and fluids to temperature fluctuations, fluid flow, radionuclide...

Simulation of Heat Transfer in the Unsaturated Zone
It is well known that heat transfer can play an important roll in fluid flow near the emplacement site of high-level nuclear waste (K. Pruess and J.S.W. Wang, 1987). Heat transfer effects...

Building of a Conceptual Model at the UE25-C Hole Complex
U.S. Geological Survey and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory are attempting to construct a conceptual model of the UE25-c hole complex. An interdisciplinary approach is discussed where all...

Combined Analytical/Numerical Approaches to Solving Fluid Flow Problems in the Unsaturated Zone at Yucca Mountain
Various analytical and numerical approaches are presented for the study of unsaturated flow processes in the vicinity of the Yucca Mountain, Nevada, the proposed site of an underground...





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