Soldier Creek Dam Foundation Drainage
A possible mode of failure for Teton Dam, piping of erodible core material through unsealed foundation joints, was also concluded as being possible at Soldier Creek Dam, Utah. Evaluations...

Containment of Textile Waste Using a Geomembrane
A wastewater treatment plant for a textile mill incorporated two 2. 7 million gallon aeration ponds which had originally been lined with clay. The clay liner leaked and caused the formation...

An Application of Probability to Rock Slope Design
This paper describes the use of probability and statistics in the slope design process. An example is presented of a high rock slope in an open pit mine. This slope is a major concern...

A Combined Limit Equilibrium and Statistical Analysis of Wedges for Design of High Rock Slopes
This paper describes a unique technique developed for the statistical analysis of wedge failures which control the design of high slopes in relatively hard jointed rock masses. Using this...

Probability Applied to Slope Design?Case Histories
A major problem encountered with the choice of an appropriate value for the design probability. Initial experience, obtained during open-pit investigation, suggested that slope geometry...

High Strength Steel
A Wall Street Journal story in January 1984 described a number of bridges, buildings, automobiles, buses and other structures made of high-strength...

Critical Load Program
The elastic critical load of a structural frame is a fundamental parameter in assessing its stability. It is an upper bound to the failure load of the frame, in the same way that the Euler...

Incorporating Graphics in Water Distribution Analysis
One area that has currently been receiving attention is the presentation of hydraulic analysis results utilizing computer graphics to display pipe network and pressure values in graphical...

Adapting a Pipe Network Analysis Computer Program
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) has developed a mathematical simulation model for a key portion of its distribution system. A representative portion...

State-of-the-Art Pipe Network Optimization
Within the next decade water distribution system optimization models should become everyday tools of practicing engineers. This paper examines existing models and discusses some of the...

Optimization of Looped Water Distribution Networks
The optimization algorithm developed by G. Quindry et al. can be used to obtain a least cost pipe network for a looped water distribution system. A solution is obtained under steady state...

Pipe Network Optimization by Enumeration
The paper describes a procedure for the optimization of pipe networks which is executed entirely in the discrete pipe size/cost domain. The technique is based on exhaustive enumeration....

Water Distribution Design with Multiple Demands
An iterative procedure for the layout and design of new looped water distribution systems is pesented. The procedure is also applicable to the expansion of existing systems. The approach...

Detection of Leakage Through Subsurface Barriers Using Guided Acoustic Waves
The primary method for preventing hazardous liquid and leachates from entering the groundwater is the use of a physical barrier. These barriers are susceptible to a number of mechanisms...

Erosion of the Nile Delta Coast
The construction of the High Aswan Dam has resulted in a total absence of River Nile flow into the Mediterranean, and a corresponding loss of the sediment source for the Delta. However,...

Construction-Induced Dynamic Pressure and Corresponding Impact Factors for Pipelines
The Bureau of Reclamation, U. S. Department of the Interior, conducted a study which measured pressure exerted by construction scrapers on a rigid, buried, instrumented concrete slab....

Effects of Vehicles on Buried, High-Pressure Pipe
The mechanical effects of selected types of traffic on buried, high-pressure steel pipe are examined. Particularly considered is a section of the Colorado Interstate Gas (CIG) pipeline...

Effect of Shallow Trench Construction on Cast Iron Pipelines
This paper summarizes the results of three-dimensional finite element analyses to evaluate the strains and displacements sustained by 4, 6, and 8-in. (100, 150, and 200 mm)-diameter cast...

Influence of Depth-of-Cover on Pipe-Soil Interaction
A major research effort was undertaken to study the structural behavior of a natural gas pipeline under several critical service conditions. The program included a field test site near...

An Instrumented Soil-Pipe System: Automated Data Acquisition and Management
A 16-in. natural gas pipeline near Racine, Wisconsin, had been in service for some 30 years. In 1982 road widening operations on a line parallel with the pipe resulted in a heavily trafficked...





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