Journal of Transportation Engineering
The Journal of Transportation Engineering contains technical and professional articles on the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of air, highway, rail, and urban transportation,...

Engineering and Construction Projects
The Emerging Management Roles
The papers presented at the specialty conference on emerging management roles in engineering and construction projects focus attention on successful management approaches, and methods...

Cold Regions Engineering in Norway
The use of insulating materials is a key factor in cold regions engineering in Norway. It is applied in road construction in areas where frost heave and reduced bearing capacity would...

Energy Turns the World as a World's Fair Turns a City Around
Energy Expo '82 opens May 1 and will run through October 31, 1982. Host City, Knoxville, Tennessee has taken advantage of the fair as a catalyst for growth and urban renewal...

Denny Creek: The Toughest Bridge Washington State Ever Built
The story of how highway planners and engineers in Washington State's Department of Transportation were stopped from building a highway and viaduct through a pristine wilderness...

Knoxville's Junction Functions
The urban highway system in Knoxville was originally built as a local expressway in the early 1950's. It was designed to significantly lower standards than Interstate and...

Houston Moves to Unravel Traffic
Houston, Texas is growing and has more cash to invest in its infrastructure than most American cities. Roads are being repaired and improved, more highways built, and new management strategies...

Public Infrastructure�Are More Dollars Coming?
The top subject at the October, 1982, New Orleans convention of the American Society of Civil Engineers was the infrastructure finance problem. Noted analysts of the situation, including...

Oregon Bridge Features Innovative Bell Piers, Floating Falsework
The I-205 bridge, scheduled for completion in 1983, will be a final link in a 40-mile highway east of Portland, Oregon. the substructure and superstructure design featured unusual technology....

Highway Applications of Geotextiles
The successful use of geotextiles on poor soils and water in highway subgrades and sideslopes is examined in this two-part article, In Lakeshore Resort Cuts Cost of Road Relocation with...

Eden's Expressway Reconstruction: Model for Future Highway Rehabs
In the future, increasing miles of our interstate highways will have to be refurbished. Highway engineers may find some useful insights from the way the Illinois Division of Highways recently...

CE Computing Basics: Highway Vertical Profile Program
A program is explained step-by-step which can reduce the computation time involved in writing a highway vertical profile computation program. The program is written in BASIC. Once the...

Value Engineering Cuts Highway Costs
The Oregon State Highway Department's experimental Value Engineering team examined over 40 highway projects in a search cost savings without sacrificing quality. While the...

What's Wrong with U.S. Transportation Infrastructure�
Federal spending for public works is being cut back. State, county and city administrations will have to bear a larger share of the load. In the case of railroads, in some areas, track...

Concrete-pavement Recycling could Slash Rehab Costs 30%
During the past few years, the recycling of highway pavements, especially asphalt pavements, has been in the news. Yet one promising development has drawn little attention: the recycling...

A Guide to Urban Arterial Systems
The urban arterial system, a link between freeways and local streets, provides for the efficient collection, distribution, and transition of traffic among freeways, collector streets,...

Implementing Highway Safety Improvements
The goal of the ASCE Specialty Conference on Implementing Highway Safety Improvements was to enhance the safety of our nation's highways by identifying the best, most successful...

Bicycle Transportation
A Civil Engineer's Notebook for Bicycle Facilities
The planning and design of bicycle facilities are examined, with the facilities divided into these topics: pavements, drainage, traffic controls, amenities, lighting, parking, landscaping,...

America's Covered Bridges
Soon after the Revolutionary War, bridge construction became more important in the United States. Early builders developed by trail and error an economical, permanent, long-span covered...

The Long Road to Regulatory Reform
A brief report on ASCE's actions to encourage the regulatory reform movement in Washington. Included are the resolution as accepted by ASCE's Board of Direction,...





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