An Assessment of Input Variables to the Penman-Monteith Equation Using Canopy Reflectance Measurements
Observing the form of the Penman-J.L. Monteith equation, it can be seen that several terms could be potentially estimated from remotely sensed data. These include: net radiation, canopy...

Management Practice Effects on Water Quality
An array of resource conservation and water quality issues are providing research challenges and opportunities in soil and water, irrigation, and drainage. The key to addressing these...

Field Calibration of Neutron Gauges: SCS Method
Field calibration of neutron gauges is easy and requires very little time under normal circumstances. Special soil sampling equipment is required that can be fabricated by most machine...

Comparison of ET Measured with Neutron Moisture Meters and Weighing Lysimeters
The neutron moisture meter (N.M.) method of determining crop water use is frequently used in research and irrigated agriculture. This study was conducted to compare crop evapotranspiration...

Application of Neutron Soil Surface Water Monitoring for Plant Establishment
Soil surface water content measurements are tedious and time consuming, and to improve on such tasks, a neutron surface moisture probe was modified by using cadmium shielding. This prevented...

Practical Approaches Used in Neutron Meter Moisture Monitoring
This paper describes a practical, appropriate methodology for utilizing neutron meter soil moisture measurements to provide irrigation management information to farmers. A neutron meter...

Neutron Meters in Statewide Irrigation Programs
These programs have ranged from University demonstrations of new technologies on through completely locally funded and operated programs. The most significant interest has been from those...

Computation of Unsaturated Soil Parameters Using Upward Infiltration Empirical Data
The relationship between soil moisture content and hydraulic conductivity with the soil tension be defined to simulate unsaturated flow in a porous media. Direct measurements of these...

Impact of Agriculture on Ground-Water Quality on the Delmarva Peninsula
Both pesticides and nitrates have been detected in the ground water on the Delmarva Peninsula. Highest nitrate concentrations have been found on well-drained soils. Poultry manure is one...

Soil Water Movement in Glacial Till: A Case Study in Central South Dakota
Between 1985 and 1987, the CENDAK Drainage Steering Committee conducted several investigations to assess the drainage needs for a proposed large-scale irrigation project in central South...

Deep Percolation, Drainage and Water Quality
The purpose of this study is to illustrate and and qualitatively describe results of steady and transient numerical simulations examining the influence of drain spacing and depth on shallow...

Bottom Plugging Dynamics in Recharge Basins
The Orange County Water District is investigating the reasons why percolation rates in deep recharge basins rapidly decrease. The interrelationship between microbiological activities in...

Effect of Water Depth and Groundwater Table on Infiltration from Recharge Basins
The actual effect of water depth on infiltration depends on the depth to groundwater and on whether the wetted perimeter of the basin is clean or covered by a clogging layer of fine particles...

Effect of Saline Irrigation Water on Tree Growth
A random block experiment using three types of soil, five different qualities of irrigation water, and three popular windbreak trees was conducted to measure the effects of soil type and...

Prognosis on Managing Trace Elements
Management options assessed for trace elements discharged from irrigated lands include source control, drainwater reuse, drainwater treatment and removal of contaminants, disposal, and...

Movement of Triazine Herbicides and Metolachlor in a Sandy Soil
The movement of atrazine, cyanazine, simazine, and metolachlor was studied in an Evesboro loamy sand soil. Both no-tillage and conventional tillage treatments were used. Atrazine, simazine,...

Calibration of Tensiometers and Gypsum Blocks Using Soil Moisture Content
The common tensiometer and gypsum block used for irrigation scheduling are evaluated using gravimetric soil moisture measurements. The results indicate several difficulties with the tensiometer...

Process-Based Debris-Flow Prediction Method
This paper briefly identifies problems with traditional approaches to debris-flow prediction and presents a simplified process-based model (Williams and others, 1988) to accomplish the...

Olancha Debris Flow: An Example of an Isolated Damaging Event
This paper presents the case history of an isolated flood/debris flow that damaged the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Aqueduct and threatened serious damage to U.S....

Transmission Losses, Flood Peaks, and Groundwater Recharge
Abstractions of streamflow in ephemeral stream channels from infiltration in the channel beds and banks are called transmission losses. These losses are important because water is 'lost'...





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