Hydraulic Studies of Surface Drainage from Level Furrows
Field studies have been completed to quantify the surface drainage phenomenon from level furrows which were rapidly flooded and then drained from the inlet end of the furrow. The proportion...

Furrow Irrigation Performance Using Real Time Control
Computer simulations were conducted, using a simple feedback control algorithm, to determine the potential for improvement of irrigation performance using real-time feedback control. Field...

Surface Water-Groundwater Relations for Open Channels
For losing channels with clean wetted perimeters (no clogging layers), the seepage rate varies essentially linearly with depth to groundwater if the groundwater is relatively shallow,...

Simulation of Contaminant Transport Using NMOL Technique
In this paper, a new numerical method, called Numerical Method of Lines (NMOL), is used to solve initial-boundary value problems for solute transport in soils. The simulation results are...

Use Requirements for Bowen Ratio and Eddy Correlation Determination of Evapotranspiration
Reduced costs and complexity are encouraging more operational use of eddy correlation (EC) and energy balance Bowen ratio (EBBR) instrumentation for estimating evapotranspiration. Often...

Ultrasonic Flow Meter Testing
Six ultrasonic flow meters were tested in a hydraulics laboratory. Accuracies better than 2% were obtained with two transit-time meters on 14 inch diameter steel tubing. Poorer accuracies...

Stable and Environmental Channel Design
The Wildcat and San Pablo Creeks Flood Control Project is located in Richmond, California. Both streams flow through a highly urbanized area, periodically overflowing their banks and causing...

Power Formula for Open-Channel Flow Resistance
This paper evaluates various power formulas for flow resistance in open channels. Unlike the logarithmic resistance equation that can be theoretically derived either from Prandtl's...

Flow Measurement Using a Digital Pressure-Time Method
This paper describes flow measurements performed by TVA's Engineering Laboratory as a part of absolute efficiency measurements of the two units at the Great Falls Hydro Plant....

Applications of GSTARS Model
GSTARS is a Generalized Stream Tube model for Alluvial River Simulation. Depending on an engineer's need, GSTARS can be used as a fixed boundary as well as a movable boundary...

Design Depths and Velocities on Alluvial Fans
Under Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines, flood depths and velocities on alluvial fans are determined by considering the probability of a given point on the alluvial...

Computations of High-Velocity Flows on Alluvial Fans
The results of numerical models of supercritical flows on alluvial fans demonstrate the strong effect fan topography has on flow velocity and depth. Particularly important are transverse...

Initiation of Density Currents in Diverging Channels: Comparison of Field and Laboratory Data
The transition from free surface channel flow to a submerged density current has been investigated in the laboratory. A set of field data has been collected at a wastewater effluent site....

An Alternate Theory of Density Current Propagation
Density current propagation has been previously analyzed by employing a one-dimensional momentum balance in a frame of reference moving with the density current head. Experimental data...

Interfacial Instabilities Associated with Density Currents
Three-dimensional behavior of density currents flowing down a sloping surface has been analytically and experimentally investigated. Attention has been given to the presence of interfacial...

Microstructure of Cohesive Sediment Suspensions
In a shear flow field suspended fine sediments under relatively low concentrations and stable stratification conditions develop a step-wise profile. This is due to internal wave instability...

Analytical and Numerical Modeling at High Sediment Concentrations
Methods for classifying sediment-water mixtures according to material concentration and rheologic properties are discussed. Results from laboratory and field measurements show that bed...

Analysis of Progressive Development on Alluvial Fans
Flow on alluvial fans is considered to be somewhat unpredictable and complex, experiencing high velocities, avulsions, erosion, and deposition causing a dynamic topography with flooding...

Entrainment of Bed Sediment by Density Underflows
The erosion caused by a density-driven underflow has been studied experimentally. The observations indicate that a strong density current can entrain substantial amounts of bed sediment....

Comparison of Vertical Velocity Measurements in the Great Lakes Connecting Channels with Theoretical Profiles
Vertical distribution of velocities was measured with an upward looking acoustic Doppler current profiler in the upper St. Clair River during November 1984 - April 1986 and the Detroit...





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