Sediment Deposition in the Navigation Approach Channel of Three Gorges Project
In this paper, a comparison is made between the problems of sediment deposition in the navigation approach channel of Gezhouba and Three Gorges Project. The investigation shows that the...

The Influence of Peak-Regulation of the Three Gorges Power Plant on Navigation
The paper studies the unsteady flow resulted from peak-regulation by daily regulation at both Three Gorges and Gezhouba Power Plants and concludes that the river section between the dam...

An Economy and Risk Analysis of Installed Capacity Expansion at the Three Gorges Power Plant
This paper studies the possibility and economy of peak-regulation operation during flood period at the Three Gorges reservoir, which will at the same time satisfy the requirements for...

Near Field Modeling
Results of near field modeling of the wastefield formed by the Sand Island, Honolulu, ocean sewage outfall are presented. Over 20,000 simulations were run with the mathematical model RSB...

Groundwater Recharge with Reclaimed Water Another Step Closer to Potable Reuse
California.s water supply is becoming increasingly unreliable, and investments to make water more reliable must be seriously investigated. In this arid region of Southern California, reclaimed...

Assessment of Risks of Flooding by Use of a Two-Dimensional Model
In case of rare floods, the rivers might go far away from their minor bed, submerging large areas, eventually with relatively high velocities. One-dimensional models are not suitable to...

Flood Risk Management: New Concepts for an Objective Negotiation
It has been tested in a real situation like the Bourbre catch ment, a Rhone tributary in the Isere department, not far from Lyon (France). This catchment is 700 km large, the river is...

Sustainable Watershed Management in Developing Watersheds
In many parts of the country, land development at the fringe of major metropolitan areas has accelerated and is occurring in historically unprecedented land consuming patterns. This development...

A Decision Making Approach for Stormwater Management Measures?A Case Example in the City of Waukesha, Wisconsin
An urban nonpoint source pollution predictive model (Source Load and Management Model?SLAMM; Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 1990), and a decision matrix developed specifically...

Los Angeles River as a Water Source for a Freshwater Reservoir
Simons, Li & Associates, Inc., performed a study to examine the technical feasibility of a freshwater reservoir in the ocean at the mouth of the Los Angeles River through a conceptual...

Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Storm Water Quality Assessments, Los Angeles, California
This study included a general assessment of the surface water quality conditions within the Los Angeles County area by examination of the surface water quality data collected by LACDPW...

Water Resources Planning for the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana
Water resources planning in Indian Country has produced varied results. On the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, the Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes are using an integrated approach to managing...

The Fate of Pathogenic Organisms in Mamala Bay
The fate of enteric organisms in Mamala Bay is studied using coupled hydrodynamic and pathogen fate models. The purpose of the study is to determine the contributions of various sources...

An Integrated Coastal Management Plan for Mamala Bay
Integrated coastal management plan (1CM), articulated in the 1993 National Research Council study Managing Wastewater in Coastal Urban Areas (NRC,1993) is a new framework for coastal environmental...

Moving from a Model to a Decision Support System: Salt River Project's Experience with a Reservoir Simulation System
The Salt River Project (SRP) is in the third year of a process to develop a computerized hydra-meteorological decision support system (Hydromet) that will eventually cover all aspects...

Integrated Facility Information Systems: Total Information Access
This paper will attempt to fill the void in computer information handling with regards to facility management information by providing those in the water industry with tips and suggestions...

Privatization and Water Supply/Treatment Projects
Privatization is often mentioned as a way to get much needed, but difficult to finance infrastructure projects delivered for both developed and developing countries. However, the suitability...

Managing Conflicting Demands from Endangered Species: Taking the Challenge
Reservoir system managers face conflicting demands from interests such as water supply, flood control, recreation, hydropower, and environmental preservation. Historically, water resource...

Consensus as the Measure of Sustainability
Sustainable development is the Holy Grail of the `90s. Yet, its practical implications seem to be elusive. Metrics for measuring the level of sustainability are eagerly sought. It is very...

Evaluation of Selected Instruments for Monitoring Scour at Bridges in New York
Reliable methods to monitor scour at bridges are needed to ensure public safety and minimize the cost to repair or replace vulnerable bridges. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation...





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