Bacterial Fingerprinting to Trace Source of Coliform Bacteria During Artificial Recharge
This report describes the use of a bacterial 'fingerprint' technique to determine if treated effluent from infiltration beds was the source of coliform bacteria...

Health Effects of Ground Water Recharge
A five year multidisciplinary research project was conducted to evaluate the health significance of using treated wastewater for ground water replenishment. The focus of the study was...

Benefits and Risks of Artificial Recharge of Saline Aquifers
Artificial recharge of saline aquifers by deep well injection of treated effluents is attractive, as it provides a solution to an environmental problem, and possibly creates groundwater...

Artificial Recharge with Imported and Reclaimed Waters in Central and West Coast Basins of Los Angeles County
Since 1952 over 4,000,000 acre-feet of imported water and reclaimed waste water have been purchased to recharge the ground waters of the Central and West Coast Basins of Los Angeles County....

Artificial Recharge in Finland
There are four reasons for artificial recharge of ground water in Finland: 1. The replenishment of aquifers by lake water. 2. To use aquifers as part of surface water treatment process....

The Tunisian Experience in Ground Water Artificial Recharge by Treated Wastewater
In Tunisia, because the water resources are limited, the reuse of treated wastewater in agriculture becomes a necessity. The artificial ground water recharge is one of alternative forms...

Artificial Recharge of Ground Water
A need for international and interdisciplinary technology transfer on the subject of artificial recharge resulted in the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Irrigation...

Planning for Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Replacement
A technique has been developed by the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago (MSDGC) to provide a means of budgeting monetary and human resources needed to provide for infrastructure...

Renewing San Diego Pumping Station No. 64
Pump Station 64 has experienced a number of sewage overflows into Penasquitos Lagoon since 1979 (57 in total). The California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) issued a Cease...

The Ozone Defense
Ozone is a molecule containing three oxygen atoms. When bubbled through drinking water, the third atom in ozone is attracted away by other molecules, a process called oxidation. This process...

Selenium Threatens Irrigators, Wildlife
Irrigation drainage water has seldom been treated to remove pollutants, but it soon will be treated in California. Drainage from a large portion of the San Joaquin Valley must be treated...

Radon at Home
Radon-222 is a radioactive gas that is present in all homes and found in several million homes in the U.S. at levels that have medical experts concerned about its potential to cause lung...

Managing Dioxin
Dioxins, among the most toxic compounds known to man, are by-products from production of other chemical products. There are currently about 5000 metric tons of dioxin-containing wastes...

A Call for New Directions in Drilling and Sampling Monitoring Wells
The hollow-stem auger drilling technique has an inherent limitation of disturbing large volumes of subsurface materials around the borehole, thereby possibly affecting local permeabilities...

Emergency Response
A spill normally has five phases; namely, the initial emergency response, the site assessment, the development of a remedial action plan, the implementation of the remedial action plan,...

Biological Treatment of Trichloroethylene
Trichloroethylene and related compounds such as cis- and trans-1,2-dichloroethylene and vinyl chloride are common contaminants of ground water in industrial areas. In oxygenated ground...

Physical and Chemical Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater at Hazardous Waste Sites
In selecting an appropriate groundwater treatment system, three steps are normally followed. 1. A groundwater investigation is performed to determine the types and concentrations of contaminants...

Domestic Sewage Disposal Pribilof Islands Small Diameter Ocean Outfalls
This paper presents aspects of planning, permitting, design, and construction of two unique small diameter ocean outfalls for the Native Alaskan Villages of Saint George and Saint Paul,...

Decisionmaking for Dredggedg Material Management
Management of dredged material produced in coastal environments is greatly complicated by the presence of chemical contaminants in the material. The kinds and quantities of contaminants...

Economic Benefits to Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Fishermen From Water Pollution Control and Habitat Restoration
Water pollution, primarily by herbicides and nutrients contained in agricultural runoff and in waste treatment plant effluent, appears to be a major cause of the decline in abundance of...





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