Computation of Wind Flow Around a Building
A numerical investigation of wind flow around a three-dimensional building is presented by solving weakly compressible flow equations, together with Smogrinsky's subgrid-scale...

A Compact Nonlinear Solution Method for Two Phase Stefan Problems
Finite element formulations for fluid filling problems with solidification are derived using previously developed unified transformation techniques. The nonlinear formulation for two phase...

Numerical Simulation of Dam-Breaking Waves
Recently, as a high-resolution numerical technique, the Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) method is applied to Aerodynamic shock problems successfully. In this paper, a Total Variation...

Wave Loading Linearization for Offshore Structures
The linearization of Morison-type wave loading is to replace u|u| by cu, where u is a zero mean, stationary Gaussian random process and c is a constant. In the present study an optimal...

Parametric Excitation of Collapsible Latex Tubes
In 1985, Liu and Ding (1989) made an experiment of collapsible tubes containing a pulsatile flow. A latex tube is sealed up in a plexiglass chamber. If the transmural pressure (TP) of...

Numerical Modeling of Pollutant Transport in Estuaries
A robust numerical solution to the pollutant transport phenomenon in an estuary is presented. The fractional step algorithm is employed to split the physical process into convection step...

Myocardial Wall Stress: A Clinician's View
Definition of left ventricular (LV) wall stress is a parameter which has a valid application in clinical medicine. This paper discusses this application as it pertains to various cardiac...

Diastolic Function Using 3-D Echo Reconstruction and Finite Element Analysis: Applications for Study in Animal Models and Patients
We have initiated animal experiments using three-dimensional reconstruction of echocardiographic recordings and finite element analysis to evaluate the effects of alterations in preload,...

Large Deformation Analysis of Cardiac Structures
The finite element technique can be used to simulate the response of the cardiac structures that have complex shape and geometry and nonlinear material properties. This paper enumerates...

Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Stress and Activation in the Heart
A finite element (FE) method has been developed for three-dimensional (3D) analysis of stress distributions and activation patterns in the left and right ventricles of the canine heart....

Non-Linear Passive Elastic Properties of the Left Ventricular Myocardium: Application of Finite Element Analysis to 3-D Geometry Obtained from Ultrasound Images
A finite element (FE) analysis and an optimization algorithm were employed to assess the nonlinear passive elastic properties of left ventricular myocardium in a canine mode. The three-dimensional...

Assessment of Left Ventricular Flow Dynamics Using the Finite Analytic Method: Potential for Clinical Applications
Left ventricular (LV) function is traditionally assessed from chamber wall motion, rheological properties of the myocardium, and invasive measurements of chamber pressure. In order to...

Effect of Stenotic Geometry on Blood Flow Behavior
The dynamic characteristics of the blood flow is affected by the area reduction of stenosis. To estimate the severity of stenosis, the information about the geometry should also be accounted....

Simulation of Blood-Heart Interaction: Validation of Approach
An existing pressure correction method to model unsteady flow with arbitrarily moving boundaries has been adapted to simulate the interaction of three-dimensional blood flow with a mitral...

Three-Dimensional Blood Flows Associated with Intra-Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation
Three-dimensional blood flow processes associated with intra-aortic balloon counterpuslation (IABP) are calculated using a Cray YMP supercomputer. The mathematical model incorporates a...

A Computer Simulation of the Blood Flow at the Aortic Bifurcation with Flexible Walls
To understand the possible role of hemodynamics in the atherogenesis, especially the effect of the flexibility of the arteries, a two-dimensional numerical model for the blood flow at...

Finite Analytic Explicit Scheme for Viscous Burgers' Equation
Burgers' equation is numerically analyzed by finite analytic method. The basic idea of finite analytic method is to incorporate the analytic solution of partial differential...

Effects of Artificial Heart Pumping on Hemorheology
Alterations in hemorheology were studied in 19 patients supported by the Jarvik-7 total artificial heart (TAH) anywhere from 1 to 48 days as a bridge-to-cardiac transplantation. Abnormally...

Structural Aspects of Femoral Head Osteonecrosis
Orthopaedic management of early stage osteonecrosis (ON) of the femoral head is aimed at delaying or preventing collapse of structurally weakened regions of repairing dead bone. The advent...

Finite Element Stress Analysis of a Spinal Segment
A large number of factors need to be determined to understand the biomechanics of a surgical procedure about the lumbar spine. Some of these factors are amenable to experimental investigations...





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