Integration of Water Rights and Salinity Considerations in Comprehensive River Basin Management
The TAMUWRAP Water Rights Analysis Package is a recently developed generalized reservoir/river system simulation model. Application of the model in a water supply reliability study of...

Statistical and GIS Tools for Assessing Water Conservation Effects
The Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) devices provide us the ability to read a large number of meters in a short period of time. With the AMR we monitored weekly water consumption of several...

Simulating Water Supply Systems of the Raritan Basin
A recently developed interactive river-aquifer system model (IRAS) was used to study the Raritan River Basin as part of the effort to revise the New Jersey Statewide Water Supply Master...

Public Involvement in Water Resources Management
Some thoughts on the use of public involvement, partnering, customer focus, and decision support systems in water management are presented....

Convergence and Divergence Between Regulated Riparian and Prior Appropriation Provisions in the ASCE Model State Water Rights Code
Although there are two major American water rights systems-- riparian and prior appropriation--there are mixed systems and variations within each major type. The ASCE Model State Water...

Balancing Water Allocation and Water Quality: The Model State Water Code
The Model State Water Code (hereafter called the 'Code') currently being developed by an ASCE task committee is intended to provide a source of legal norms of water allocation for use...

Atmospheric Circulation and Snowpack in the Gunnison River Basin
Winter mean 700-millibar height anomalies over the eastern North Pacific Ocean and the western United States are related to variability in snowpack accumulations measured on or about April...

Climate Change Impacts on Boston's Water Supply
The analysis of the climate sensitivity of the water supply system of the Boston area indicates that the water supply has the potential to be dramatically altered by global warming. The...

Water Policy and Management: Solving the Problems in Southern New Jersey
Southern New Jersey, which has relied solely on groundwater to satisfy its water supply needs, is depleting the primary source for that water. Symptoms of this depletion include declining...

Joint Optimization of Groundwater Remediation and Monitoring
We describe the challenge of devising optimization methods which optimize jointly the remediation and monitoring at a contaminated site. We refer to the dual control method as a promising...

Wetland Loss Rates and Agricultural Drainage
The current paper uses National Resources Inventory data to document the relation between private on-farm agricultural drainage investment activity and wetlands loss. The paper presents...

Reoperation of Existing Reservoirs to Serve Changing Needs: Observations on Institutional Inertia, Conflict, and Efficiency
The 'reoperation' of a reservoir system may in some circumstances provide a non-structural alternative for addressing changing water storage needs resulting from population growth or other...

Integration of Water Rights and Network Flow Modeling in the Upper Snake River Basin
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Pacific Northwest Region and Denver Office are working to enhance the ability to integrate hydrological and institutional modeling capabilities for use...

Decision Support System for Conjunctive Use Under Complex Water Right Conditions
A prototype microcomputer based decision support system (DSS) is presented for assisting in the conjunctive use management of surface and groundwater under the water rights doctrine of...

Improving Reservoir System Operations Under Water Rights Requirements
Successful reservoir operations planning largely depends on knowing the future inflow to the system; understanding the objectives of the reservoir system; and understanding the relationship...

Stochastic Optimal Control for Determination of Freshwater Inflows to Estuaries
The objective of the research is to develop estuarine system management models based upon discrete-time stochastic optimal control. An analytical feedback control law is given. The control...

Differential Dynamic Programming for Estuarine Management
Differential dynamic programming (DDP) is applied to solve the estuarine management problem to determine the optimal amount of freshwater inflows into bays and estuaries in order to maximize...

Alternative Designs for a Water Resources Planning and Management Electronic Information Exchange Network
The proliferation of electronic bulletin boards, fax and other electronic media encourages the use of alternative information sharing and retrieval methods as a routine part of business...

Lesson Learned form Implementing M&I Optimal Water Delivery
Few municipal water delivery systems are truly optimized to deliver a quantity of water at the least cost. Both the University of Kentucky and Memphis State University have attempted to...

Computer Simulation Model of the Integrated Local Water Supply Plan for the City of Wichita, Kansas
The City of Wichita, Kansas will require additional water supply sources to meet projected future water demands. A study of options identified a supply plan with integrated use of local...





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