Advances in Shotcrete Technology for Support of Underground Openings in Canada
This paper presents a broad overview of the state-of-the-art of shotcrete technology for support of underground openings in Canada. Advances in shotcrete technology such as the introduction...

Design of Shotcrete Linings at the Channel Tunnel
Shotcrete is one of the essential support elements of tunnels driven according to the principles of the New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM). Whereas originally the NATM was mainly based...

Construction of Shotcrete Linings Channel Tunnel
Without the use of shotcrete and the flexibility it offers in terms of tunnel profile, economy and speed of tunnelling, the project would certainly not be as far advanced as it is at present....

The Introduction of Steel Fibre Shotcrete to Underground Cavern Support in Taiwan
The Mingten project is located in a sheared, sandstone rock mass near a regional fault. The design philosophy introduced steel fibre shotcrete as a permanent cavern support in Taiwan....

A Review of Sprayed Concrete Linings Adopted at Dinorwig Power Station
Sprayed concrete was adopted extensively as one element of both temporary and permanent rock support during the construction of the 1800 MW Dinorwig underground power station in North...

Florida's New Toll Facilities Model
Florida's Turnpike provides a system of user-financed limited access toll highways meeting important transportation needs in the State of Florida, while protecting the interests of its...

Validating a Citywide Traffic Planning Model
A traffic planning model can improve the public agency's ability to forecast future traffic and plan appropriate roadway intrastructure. However, the usefulness of these models depends...

Using Interactive Simulation to Model Driver Behavior Under ATIS
This paper discusses the development and implementation of FASTCARS (Freeway and Arterial Street Traffic Conflict Arousal and Resolution Simulator), an interactive microcomputer based...

Regulatory Views on Seismic and Fault-Displacement Parameters Needed for a Geologic Repository Design
This paper presents the regulatory views of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff on some of the significant issues related to the seismic and faulting design of a geologic repository....

An Overview of Analysis and Regulatory Needs to Determine Seismic Loads for Design of a High-Level Waste Geologic Repository
Determination of seismic loads and faulting hazard for siting, design and performance evaluation of a high-level nuclear waste repository facility can be accomplished with state-of-knowledge...

Performance Goal Based Seismic Design Criteria for High Level Waste Repository Facilities
This paper proposes a set of deterministic seismic design and evaluation criteria based upon a specified probabilistic seismic performance goal for High Level Waste Repository (HLWR) facilities....

Tectonic Characterization of a Potential High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Tectonic characterization of a potential high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, is needed to assess seismic and possible volcanic hazards that could affect the...

Geometric Models of Faulting at Yucca Mountain
Yucca Mountain, Nevada, is currently being studied as a potential site for a geologic repository of high-level radioactive waste. Alternative conceptual tectonic models are expected to...

Probabilistic Seismic Design Considerations for a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository
Earthquakes in the vicinity of an underground high-level waste (HLW) repository have potential effects that must be estimated during the design of the facility. The production facilities...

Current Plans to Characterize the Design Basis Ground Motion at the Yucca Mountain, Nevada Site
A site at Yucca Mountain Nevada is currently being studied to assess its suitability as a potential host site for the nation's first commercial high level waste repository. The DOE has...

Estimation of Near-Regional Seismic Ground Motion from Underground Nuclear Explosion Tests
A problem unique to the location of a nuclear waste repository adjacent to the Nevada Test Site is the assessment of seismic ground motion from potential underground nuclear explosion...

Block Dynamics Modeling in Support of Seismic Design
The behavior of an underground excavation is usually characterized by stresses and displacements which develop around the excavation as a result of prevailing field conditions. For conventional...

Seismic Design of Circular-Section Concrete-Lined Underground Openings?Preclosure Performance Considerations for the Yucca Mountain Site
Yucca Mountain, the potential site of a repository for high-level radioactive waste, is situated in a region of natural and man-made seismicity. Underground openings excavated at this...

Options for Dynamic Analyses of Underground Facilities
Continuum and discontinuum modeling techniques for conducting dynamic analysis of underground facilities of geologic repository are discussed. Compared with continuum analysis, the discontinuum...

Design and Performance Requirements for Surface Facilities of a High Level Nuclear Waste Repository
This paper describes three important steps in the design process of repository surface facilities: (1) Establishing performance requirements and risk levels, (2) translating performance...





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