Yakima Supervisory Real-Time Monitoring and Control System
The Yakima Remote Control System is a case study application of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) concepts for the operation and monitoring of a large water resources project....

Integrated Knowledge-Based Software for Flood and Water Pollution Management
The authors' aim is to develop a comprehensive city-wide system to control both flooding and pollution. This system provides information on the sewer system with regard to:...

Computerized Operation of California State Water Project
Hydraulic and electrical schedules for the California State Water Project are determined and dispatched from the Project Operation Control Center (POCC) in Sacramento. The dispatched schedules...

Practical Optimization of Looped Water Systems
This paper describes one tool that might be part of a package to assist a design engineer in sizing pipes, determining ideal locations for booster pumps and their heads, determining heads...

A Methodology for Optimal Network Design
A methodology is developed to optimize the design of water distribution networks using reduced gradient techniques with a network simulator. The problem is reduced in complexity by incorporating...

Real-Time Reservoir Operations by Quadratic Programming
A quadratic programming model is developed for real-time reservoir operations. It is assumed that convex penalty functions that relates the deviations of storage levels and downstream...

Characterization of Indoor Carbon Monoxide Levels Produced by the Automobile
Integrated air samples were obtained at seven small and six large service stations and two dealerships. These establishments were sampled during cold and warm weather operations for eight...

Desalination of an Impounded Estuary
The Sungei Seletar, an arm of a saline tidal estuary surrounding the Island Republic of Singapore, has been dammed for conversion to a freshwater reservoir. Calculations for predicting...

A Case Study of Ground Water Quality Protection in California
Incidents of ground water contamination from improper disposal of industrial wastewater have been widespread throughout California. In late 1984 the State Water Resources Control Board...

Impoundment Design for Precious Metal Tailings
An engineering study and design of impoundments for the disposal of mill tailings in central Nevada is presented. Mill process waste is generated as flotation tailings and cyanide residue....

A Rule-Base Inference System for Liner/Waste Compatibility
Determining the chemical compatibility of a liner material for containment of wastes rests mainly on the application of expert opinion to interpret the results of short-term immersion...

Seepage and Leakage from Dams and Impoundments
All major dams and impoundments are usually analyzed to determine the magnitude and location of seepage that can occur under, around or through the structure. More often than not, seepage...

Conveyance Losses Due to Reservoir Releases
Three natural streams in Wyoming were studied in order to estimate incremental conveyance losses associated with incremental increases in stream flow. For each study area, all surface...

Quantification of Transit Losses, and its Effects on Surface-Water Resources, Arkansas River Basin, Colorado
Colorado Water Law enables downstream water users to use natural river channels to convey water from upstream storage reservoirs to downstream canals, provided an equitable charge is made...

Water Rights in Heber Valley, Utah
The Heber Valley is an agricultural area in Central Utah which is rapidly converting to recreational seasonal home development. There are many competing demands for the available water...

Reuse of the Brooklyn Waterfront
The New York District of the Corps of Engineers, under the New York Harbor Drift Collection and Removal Project, is in the process of removing unused and dilapidated piers along a portion...

Designing the Fisherman's Wharf Area, San Francisco Harbor Breakwater
The Fisherman's Wharf Breakwater Project stands out as an example of a complex structure requiring the planning and design talents of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE)...

The Tunnel That Transformed Philadelphia
The 1985 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement is the Center City Commuter Rail Connection, a 1.7 mile tunnel connecting two former stub-end railroad stations in Philadelphia. The...

Helms Pumped Storage Project
The powerhouse at California's Helms Pumped Storage Project is 1,200 ft below the surface of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Linking existing reservoirs, the project provides...

LAX Engineers Beat the Clock
Foreign and domestic crowds flying in for the Olympics were no problem for the Los Angeles Airport (LAX), thanks to the expansion and improvements completed a month earlier. LAX more than...





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