Lysimeter Use in Water Rights Determination
In the Western United States, a water right (the legal right to divert water from a stream) is a property right. The impact a water right has upon a stream is commonly defined through...

Direct Load Cell-Based Weighing Lysimeter System
A low-cost weighing lysimeter system is described which is capable of measuring evapotranspiration with an accuracy of 0.05-0.10 mm. A two-lysimeter system with electronic data logger...

Field Experience with Hydraulic Weighing Lysimeters
Hydraulic weighing lysimeters can be a reliable and relatively inexpensive source of actual crop evapotranspiration (ET) data for field water use studies and crop coefficient development....

Australian Lysimeter Studies of Field Evaporation
Evaporation data are summarised from separate lysimeter installations involving forest, crops and pastures along the 35?S parallel in south-eastern Australia. In each study, lysimeter...

Water Table Lysimeter Data Interpretation
Lysimeters were used to estimate seasonal water use of wet meadows and phreatophytes in northern Utah, southeast Idaho and southwest Wyoming (1983-1990). Twelve water table lysimeters...

Lysimeters Versus Buffer Areas Et and Agronomic Comparisons
Evapotranspiration (Et) from lysimeters may not represent Et of undisturbed, surrounding sites because of factors related to water, soils, plants, and even animal life. Et and agronomic...

Lysimeters to Study Soil Water Movement and Crop Water Use Under High Water Table Conditions
A system of 6 drainage lysimeters was constructed to conduct studies of water use and water movement in 3 different soils influenced by high water tables. The lysimeters were equipped...

Drainage Lysimeters for High Water Table Citrus Studies
Forty drainage lysimeters were installed in 1988 to conduct water quality and consumptive use studies for citrus. The lysimeters were designed to simulate the high water table conditions...

High Saline Water-Table Effect on Wheat Irrigation
Hydraulic, weighing lysimeters were used for five years to measure the effect of high, saline water tables on irrigation requirement of wheat. Each year the wheat was grown with no water...

Relationship Between Lysimeter Area and Evapotranspiration (ET)
The lysimeter is an important instrument for measuring evapotranspiration (ET) of crops. It is widely used in the irrigation and drainage experimental stations in China. However, the areas...

Infiltration of Unconsumed Irrigation Water in Utah
The ground-water hydrology of Panguitch Valley and adjacent areas, south-central Utah, was studied during 1988-90. One objective of the study was to measure ground-water recharge from...

Multi-Purpose Subsurface Drainage System for the Town of Saguache
The town of Saguache, Colorado had a high water table during the irrigation season that caused numerous problems within the town and resulted in high infiltration rates to the sewer system...

Research for New Water Table Management Systems
Water table management in the form of controlled-drainage and controlled-drainage/subirrigation is a feasible, yet under-utilized, practice in the Atlantic Coast flatwoods, the Ohio River...

A Field Experiment to Evaluate the Water Quality Impacts of Agricultural Drainage and Production Practices
Many research projects are underway to address agricultural nonpoint source pollution of ground and surface waters. Many of these have the objective to develop and test models to predict...

Overview and Objectives of the Macrodispersion Experiment
TVA is conducting large-scale field experiments to better define movement and dispersion of contaminants in groundwater. This will support groundwater protection by making possible more...

Second Natural-Gradient Tracer Experiment
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has begun a second large-scale groundwater field experiment at the Columbus Groundwater Research test site in Mississippi. This research is a continuation...

Practical Technology Resulting from MADE Research
As is often the case, when theoretical research is performed, practical technology is developed in the process. This has occurred with the Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) conducted at...

Prematurely Terminated Slug Tests?A Field Application
Slug tests suffer problems of non-uniqueness to a greater extent than other well tests. Alternatively, a prematurely terminated slug test (PTST) or a systematized drillstem test is proposed,...

Type Curves for a Slug Test in an Infinitely or Semi-infinitely Thick Aquifer
Type curves are provided for a slug test in an infinitely or semi-infinitely thick aquifer, the latter with the single confining layer immediately above or immediately below the well....

Aquifer Measurements at Different Scales
Multilevel slug test data from five wells in a confined, sandy aquifer were analyzed to obtain an estimate of the vertical variation of the horizontal hydraulic conductivity, K(z). Hydraulic...





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