Groundwater Contamination from an Unlined, Poorly Capped Landfill
This paper presents a case study of groundwater and surface water contamination from a major, unlined, and poorly capped municipal landfill located in Western Washington. The landfill...

Contributions of Satellite Imagery to Water Resource Evaluations
Satellite images may also facilitate the development and maintenance of regional Geographic Information Systems (GIS) by providing both a source of base map creation and update, as well...

Comparison Between the Field and Laboratory Measured Properties of a Clay Liner
Hydraulic conductivity (K) and bulk density (BD) of an experimental clay linear were evaluated at a large number of locations using standard methods. They were then compared to laboratory...

Measuring Performance of Clay Containment Barriers
Clayey soils compacted to engineering specifications are widely used as structures for hydraulic containment. Current applications include landfill liners, landfill covers, pond liners,...

Estimating Earthquake Hazard of Municipal Water Systems
This paper uses the City of Memphis as a case study to present the seismic hazard evaluation of a municipal water delivery system. The horizontal peak bedrock accelerations resulting from...

Non-Point Source Contamination of Aquifers
The paper discusses a new method for simulating the movement of contaminants from a diffuse source at the soil surface through a variably-saturated porous medium. The method accounts for...

Conductivity and Transit Time Estimates of a Soil Liner
A field-scale soil linear was built to assess the feasibilty of constructing a liner to meet the saturated hydraulic conductivity requirement of the U.S. EPA (i.e., less than 1 ? 10-7...

Vaporizing VOCs
The authors summarize the findings of a study for the Environmental Protection Agency on vapor extraction of volatile organic compounds from soils. The potential for ground water contamination...

Remediating A Fire Site
Machin and Ehresmann describe remediation of a 15 acre fire site at Fort Huachuca, Ariz. An investigation after the fire showed that all of the debris contained asbestos. Sampling confirmed...

Threatened by probable tightening of hazardous-waste legislation, oil companies are searching for ways to dispose of or stabilize oil-drilling byproducts. One way is cementitious stabilization...

Technical Work on Flexible Pipe/Soil Interaction Overview?1990
Research in the laboratory and field have been ongoing for the past seventy years on flexible pipe/soil interaction. Virtually all of the early work was done on steel pipe. During the...

Flexible Pipe Design Revisited
An overwhelming soil factor in the Iowa formula and random deformations at installation affords soil a prominent role in flexible pipe; this, together with a maximal deflection rule make...

Numerical Analysis of Flexible Culverts in Layered Soils
The deformation of flexible culverts is analysed using the finite element method as tool. Results of calculations for installation, traffic and time dependent loads are presented for culverts...

Behavior and Design of Gravity Earth Retaining Structures
This paper summarizes recent research on the soil-structure interaction of gravity earth retaining structures and provides new design procedures for these structures. The procedures currently...

Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture Applied to Hydrologic Modeling
Recent advances in microwave remote sensing have demonstrated the ability to measure soil moisture under a variety of topographic and vegetation cover conditions; however, its application...

Method to Predict Cropland Ephemeral Gully Erosion
Erosion of farmlands due to concentrate flow is very severe on many unprotected fields across the county. Small channels can you in large gullies of not controlled. These small channels...

Application of RUSLE to Rangelands
The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) has been revised to more accurately estimate soil loss from both crop and rangeland areas. Major revisions affecting rangeland soil loss estimates...

An Integrated GIS and Model for Assisting the Managers of an Army Training Area
The ARC/INFO geographic information system (GIS) has been combined with the ARX spatial expert system and the SMSP soil moisture-soil strength model to assist the managers of a major training...

Sediment Production from Forest Roads with Wheel Ruts
Artificial rainfall was applied to two sets of paired plots 30.5 m long by 1.52 m wide, each set on a different soil type. One plot in each set contained a wheel rut while the other did...

Precipitation Variability Effects on Modeled Soil Water Deficits
Effective management of forages in steep Appalachian pastures requires an understanding of hydrologic and microclimatic processes on the area. This study was conducted to determine the...





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