Applying TRANPLAN to Assist Air Quality Impact Analysis
Environmental analysts have been using the plotting capabilities of TRANPLAN, a transportation planning software package, to facilitate the analysis of air quality impacts of the Boston...

Dispersion Analysis of the Dartmouth, MA Municipal Sewage Outfall Off Salters Point
The water quality impacts of the existing and proposed upgraded Dartmouth, Massachusetts Wastewater Treatment Plant on the Salters Point region of Buzzards Bay were examined through the...

Circulation and Transport Modeling in New Bedford Harbor
Three-dimensional hydrodynamics and mass transport were simulated in the New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts, area in support of a combined sewers/sewage outfall facilities planning project...

Application of Particle Tracking Model for Ocean Outfall Siting in New Bedford, Massachusetts
PACE, a particle tracking model, was used to assist siting studies for an ocean outfall to be built in conjunction with the City of New Bedford's proposed new secondary wastewater...

CSO Induced Circulation in Marine Tributaries
Pulses of freshwater flow to estuarine tributaries from combined sewer overflows (CSO) create short duration intense salinity stratification in the tributaries. An accurate assessment...

Interfacing Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Models of Chesapeake Bay
A methodology is presented for interfacing a three-dimensional, time-varying, intratidal hydrodynamic model with an intertidal water quality model of Chesapeake Bay. First-order Lagrangian...

Calibrating the Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Model
A eutrophication model comprised of twenty-two state variables including three algal groups and multiple species of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and silica is described. Equations governing...

Modeling Residual Chlorine in the Potomac Estuary
This paper presents the development and application of a two-dimensional finite element hydrodynamic and water quality model, termed Neleus, to assess chlorinated discharges to the Potomac...

Two-dimensional Modelling of the Bristol Channel, UK
A two-dimensional depth-averaged numerical hydrodynamic model of the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary has been developed to investigate the effects on water quality of existing and new...

Pre- and Post-Processing Data Management Approach for Eutrophication Model of Peconic Bay, Long Island
A pragmatic data management approach for pre-processing and post-processing of large data sets from numerical models has been applied to a coupled hydrodynamic and water quality model...

Eutrophication and Nutrient Enrichment in Peconic Bay: Numerical Model of Historical Conditions of the Mid-1970s
In response to water quality and resource management issues triggered by the brown tide bloom of 1985-88 in the embayments of the Peconic estuary of Long Island, New York, a coupled hydrodynamic...

Eutrophication and Recurrent Hypoxia in the New York Bight: A Synthesis of Historical Data and a Numerical Model of the 1976 Anoxic Event
As a result of oceanographic programs conducted over the past four decades, a large historical data base is available, and has been used, to document areas of recurrent hypoxia and high...

Siting the New Boston Harbor Outfall: Near-Field Analysis
In the near-field analysis for Boston's proposed Deer Island outfall to Massachusetts Bay, multiple initial dilution calculations were applied to estimate the frequency distribution...

Water and Sediment Quality Analyses for the New Boston Wastewater Outfall
This paper describes portions of the farfield hydrodynamic and water quality modeling conducted during preparation of the Boston Harbor Wastewater Conveyance System Supplemental Environmental...

Receiving Water Modeling for CSO Investigations in Boston Harbor
The computer models QUAL2EXP and TEA/ELA were used to model Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) remediation alternatives in Boston Harbor and its major tributaries. The models were adapted to...

Integrating Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Models for Patuxent Estuary
A two-dimensional mass transport model has been developed to integrate a hydrodynamic model and a water quality model for the Patuxent Estuary, Maryland. In this study, a two-dimensional,...

Boundary Fitted Estuarine Water Quality Model
A two-dimensional, vertically-averaged boundary fitted coordinate pollutant transport model was developed for application to estuarine and coastal sea regions. The governing convective-diffusion...

Contaminant Loading from Fox River to Lower Green Bay
The heavily industrialized lower reach of the Fox River, downstream of the DePere Dam, and lower Green Bay, Lake Michigan, are modeled. Hydrodynamics and contaminant transports to the...

Three-Dimensional Modeling of Pollutant Transport
A numerical model for pollutant transport in coastal waters has been developed in x-y-z-t space. The simplicity of a fixed Eulerian mesh and a computationally efficient Lagrangian approach...

2-D Particle Tracking Model for Estuary Mixing
This paper presents the development and analysis of a 2-D particle tracking or random walk model for the simulation of transport in vertically well-mixed estuaries. The model was tested...





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