Flow and Transport of Nonaqueous Phase Liquids in Groundwater Systems
Nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) are present at numerous hazardous waste sites and are suspected to exist at many more. Due to the numerous variables influencing NAPL transport and fate...

Simulation of Changes in Storm-Runoff Characteristics, Perris Valley, California
The population of Perris Valley, California, has increased from about 20,000 in 1970 to more than 130,000 in 1992. Increased urbanization in Perris Valley since 1970 has produced appreciable...

Storm Sewer Analysis & Design Utilizing Hydrographs
In this paper a computer model, designated STORM.HYD, for the analysis and design of storm sewer systems utilizing a hydrograph procedure is presented and discussed. This model which actually...

Next Generation HEC Catchment Modeling
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) is developing next generation computer models to replace those in current use. The next generation Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) is an object...

An SCS-Based Model for Hydrologic Analysis of Watersheds
A single-event mathematical watershed model is presented in this paper to compute runoff resulting from any natural or synthetic rainfall. The formulations of the various hydrologic processes...

Runoff Prediction by Recession Curves
Based on the characteristics of the discharge hydrograph such as the rising limb and the recession curve, a simple water tank model is constructed. This water tank has cross-sectional...

Verification of the Princeton Transport Code (PTC)
The Princeton Transport Code (PTC) is a quasi-three dimensional groundwater flow and transport code. PTC is implemented using a splitting algorithm that allows the three-dimensional solution...

Model Structure Validation in Groundwater Modeling
Structure equivalence models (SEM), a new concept in groundwater modeling, have been developed to assist in groundwater planning and management. Using SEM, the engineer is able to satisfy...

Field-Scale Research at the TVA Columbus Groundwater Research Test Site
TVA has been conducting large-scale field experiments at their Columbus Groundwater Research test site at Columbus Air Force Base since 1983. This work has been performed in cooperation...

Decision Support System for Water Supply Management
Water supply management is one area in which subjective decision making becomes necessary. Knowledge based decision support system is proposed for use in operation and management of an...

Sophisticated Computer Tools for Water Management
Sophisticated new computer tools were applied to develop a water management plan for Nassau County, Long Island. A regional groundwater flow model and two 3-dimensional saltwater intrusion...

The Computer-Assisted Design of Multi-Ponds in Series for Stormwater Management
When a site's topography prohibits the installation of a single stormwater management pond, the drainage system can be integrated with multi-ponds in series. A computer program written...

Development of an Expert System for Urban Runoff
The U.S. EPA's Storm Water Management Model, SWMM, (Version 4.20, 1988) is a comprehensive water quality and quantity mathematical model for simulation of urban runoff in storm and combined...

On the Calibration of Hydrologic Models
A procedure is proposed to calibrate hydrologic models to generate representative design flows and flood hydrographs. This procedure includes two calibration steps; event calibration and...

Design Flow Estimates for Catchments in El Dorado County, CA
A hydrologic model consisting of a rainfall-runoff model and a set of design storms is proposed for design flow calculation in El Dorado County, California. The rainfall-runoff model will...

River Characteristics of the Blue Nile Watershed
A common difficulty in modeling hydrological systems is the lack of available field data to assess the model parameters. In some cases, it is physically very difficult and expensive to...

Stochastic Modelling of Mean Monthly Runoffs for Coruh Basin, Turkey
Stochastic models of monthly runoffs for Coruh basin, Turkey are presented. Coruh basin is located on the northeast part of Anatolia near Black Sea. Three gauging stations which have about...

A Sharp-Interface Salt Water Intrusion Code for Layered Aquifer Systems
This paper presents a quasi three dimensional, sharp-interface code that simulates salt water intrusion problems in layered aquifer systems. Efficient and robust numerical schemes make...

Application of a Density-Dependent Flow and Transport Model to a Coastal Aquifer System
A three-dimensional density-dependent groundwater flow and solute transport model for a coastal region in east-central Florida is presented. The model covers an area of approximately 2900...

Verification Tests for Transport Modeling in Coastal Aquifers
The U.S. Geological Survey three dimensional Heat and Solute Transport (HST3D) model is used to simulate fate and transport of dissolved contaminant in coastal aquifers. The model originally...





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