Percolation Lysimeters for Water Quality Sampling
A field method to measure, year-around, the quantity and quality of leachate under irrigated crops has been developed. A specific objective was to evaluate percolation lysimeters as tools...

Use of Lysimeters for Determining Characteristics of Pore Water
Lysimeters have been installed and used during the cleanup and stabilization of several former uranium processing sites in the western United States. In particular lysimeters have been...

Use of Lysimeters to Monitor a Sanitary Landfill
A vadose zone monitoring program has been developed using basin lysimeters to evaluate the environmental impacts of a sanitary waste landfill. Lysimeter systems, consisting of collection...

Infiltration of Unconsumed Irrigation Water in Utah
The ground-water hydrology of Panguitch Valley and adjacent areas, south-central Utah, was studied during 1988-90. One objective of the study was to measure ground-water recharge from...

Herbicides in Streams: Midwestern United States
Results from a 2-year study of 149 streams geographically distributed across the corn-producing region of 10 midwestern States show that detectable concentrations of herbicides persist...

Agricultural Drainage Reuse in Agroforestry Systems
On the westside of California's San Joaquin Valley, agroforestry systems are being evaluated as a solution to the agricultural drainage problem. Eucalyptus tree plantations...

Irrigation Scheduling for Groundwater Protection
Supplemental irrigation water is necessary for the production of high quality agricultural crops. Growers in Suffolk County, New York have traditionally irrigated according to weather...

Estimation of Loading via Fingered Flow
Results of experimental investigations of fingered preferential flow are combined into a concise, conservative engineering methodology for predicting pollutant transport through fingered...

Shallow Groundwater Collection for Reuse in Irrigation
A prototype system of subsurface drains for collection of shallow groundwater and reuse of drainage water for reuse in irrigation was examined. The system involved a field with subsurface...

Ground-Water Recharge from Streamflow Data, NW Florida
Annual base flows of streams draining Okaloosa County and adjacent areas in northwest Florida were determined through hydrograph separation and correlation techniques for purposes of evaluating...

The Effect of Channelization of R?o Puerto Nuevo on Ground-Water Levels in the San Juan Metropolitan Area, Puerto Rico
Channelization and concrete lining of the Rio Puerto Nuevo and its tributaries in the San Juan Metropolitan area has been proposed to control flooding in low lying areas adjacent to the...

Estimating Upland Recharge in the Yucca Mountain Area
Field and modeling studies were conducted recently for the Fortymile Canyon watershed and the Rock Valley area near the site of the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca...

A Field Experiment to Evaluate the Water Quality Impacts of Agricultural Drainage and Production Practices
Many research projects are underway to address agricultural nonpoint source pollution of ground and surface waters. Many of these have the objective to develop and test models to predict...

Source of Atrazine and Desethylatrazine in a River, During Base Flow
A budget of atrazine and desethylatrazine loads was computed for a 116-kilometer reach of the Cedar River in Iowa to determine where these compounds enter the river during base-flow conditions....

Water Quality of Shallow Groundwater Reused for Irrigation
Drainage water was collected by subsurface drains and reapplied to half of a drained alfalfa field in Fallon, Nevada, during the 1989 irrigation season. Irrigation district water was applied...

Hydrologic and Geochemical Approaches for Determining Ground-Water Flow Components
Lyman Lake is an irrigation-storage reservoir on the Little Colorado River near St. Johns, Arizona. The main sources of water for the lake are streamflow in the Little Colorado River and...

A Coupled Surface-Water and Ground-Water Model
In areas with dynamic and hydraulically well connected ground-water and surface-water systems, it is desirable that stream-aquifer interaction be simulated with models of equal sophistication...

Ground Water Modeling Using the Method of Lines (MOL)
The development of robust general purpose numerical algorithms for initial-boundary value ordinary differential equations (ODEs) which use the method of lines (MOL) makes the solution...

Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction Studies
Studies were performed on a high elevation (2440 meters or 8000 feet) valley stream system and a high (1980 meters or 6500 feet) cold desert stream system in Wyoming, to analyze the surface...

Multiobjective Decision Theory ? Decision Support Systems with Embedded Simulation Models
The concepts of multiobjective decision making utilizing embedded computer simulation models and dimensionless scoring functions are described in the context of a decision support system...





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