Disinfecting with Ultraviolet Radiation
The benefits of disinfecting treated effluent to meet discharge permits with ultraviolet radiation instead of ozone or chlorine are that it does not produce toxic chemical residuals like...

Arresting a Toxic Plume
At an abandoned gravel pit in New Hampshire turned into a dump site for hazardous liquid chemical wastes (as well as drummed solid waste), engineers had to race against the clock to stem...

Underpinning with Chemical Grout
During construction of Pittsburgh's new subway, it became necessary to protect the foundations of six downtown buildings. A detailed study of building foundation support options...

Sewers: Repairing Beats Replacing
Rehabilitating decaying sewers can be up to 70% less costly than replacing them. Yet most sewerage agencies wait until a pipe collapses before taking action, necessitating expensive emergency...

Methods of Ice Control
Ice control is the practice of holding ice in place or directing its growth and movement. Methods of ice control in navigable waters including locks are presented. Ice carried downstream...

Upgrading Water Filtration Plants
Adding or improving mixing, flocculation, and sedimentation devices, and changing filter media can significantly increase water filtration plant capacity. Water quality can often be improved...

Structural Lumber: An Overview of Research Needs
Structural performance of lumber is influenced by the processing steps from forest to final end-use and by the end-use environment. Research needs in processing include: 1) selection of...

Grouting in Geotechnical Engineering
The 63 pages included in these proceedings came from 12 different countries and deal with the pertinent advances in grouting materials and technology that have occurred throughout the...

Research and Development for Increased Productivity�Where We Must Go
A well-focused research and development activity must be the essential foundation of any long-range success in maintaining high and increasing productivity in manufacturing, the efficient...

State-of-the-Art Report on Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete
This comprehensive state-of-the-art report contains a summary of the special features of finite element analysis applied to reinforced concrete, including: constitutive relationships,...

Organic Chemical Fire in Illinois: Emergency Response and Cleanup
In April 1980 at Hillsboro, Illinois, a fire in an agricultural chemical warehouse generated a hazardous smoke plume, and some 250,000 gallons of water used in fighting the fire were highly...

Controlling Productivity at a Hazardous Waste Site
The hazards associated with waste disposal sites can make estimating the resources required for a remedial action difficult. During the recent clean-up of a dioxin disposal site, the manpower...

Risk Analysis: Is EPA Changing the Rules?
Recent actions by EPA seem to indicate a departure from past practices in health risk assessment. In the past, findings that a substance is an animal carcinogen have usually led to regulatory...

Computing in Civil Engineering
Ninety-five of the papers submitted for presentation at the first International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (1981) are presented. The papers are organized into 22 areas:...

The Hazardous Waste Dilemma
Issues and Solutions
The legal aspects, siting, management, disposal and site restoration of hazardous wastes are explored in an expansion of 30 of the technical papers that were presented at the 1980 conference...

Baltimore's Got the Subway Everyone Loves
Some of the innovations of Baltimore's 13.5-mile subway system are explored. The system, on which construction began in 1976, is under budget and on time. The first 7.5-mile...

Design and Construction of World's Tallest Free-standing Fiberglass Stack
The design, fabrication and erection procedures are discussed for a 170-ft free-standing fiberglass reinforced plastic exhaust stack-scrubber system. Advantages and disadvantages in the...

Can Clay Liners Prevent Migration of Toxic Leachate
According to recent research, low permeability clay barriers, used by landfill operators to contain hazardous wastes, can be rendered highly permeable by certain aggressive chemicals including...

If Your City's Well Water Has Chemical Pollutants, Then What�
Synthetic organic chemicals, especially certain solvents, are showing up in groundwater all over the U.S. and in many other industrial countries as well. These substances, some of which...

Rocky Mountain Arsenal: Landmark Case of Groundwater Polluted by Chemicals
For more than 20 years, the Army's Rocky Mountain Arsenal near Denver has been dealing with groundwater pollution caused by chemical warfare agents and pesticides. The arsenal...





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