A Model for Nuclear Waste Shipping and Storage
A management option for spent fuel assemblies from nuclear power plants is storage in away-from-reactor (AFR) storage facilities. The purpose of this paper is to preseent a new mathematical...

Oconee Spent Fuel Rerack
Spent fuel storage problems facing electric utilities with nuclear generation are growing more critical as existing spent fuel storage capacity is utilized. Due to the inaccessibility...

Mixed Use, Mixed Materials
Tabor Center is a $330 million office/commercial/hotel complex in Denver's urban renewal area. The two block site is bisected by a street that had to be kept open during construction....

MBTA Red Line Extension Operating Plan
Completion of the MBTA's 3. 2 mile Red Line Rapid Transit Extension is scheduled for 1985. When completed, the seven year 574 million project will add three new stations to...

An Annual Water Balance for a Surface Mining Overburden Waste Embankment
The embankment contained a volume of 257 thousand cubic yards and resulted from a phosphate surface mining operation in southeastern Idaho. The elevation of the embankment is about 7500...

A Case History of Leakage from a Surface Impoundment
A manufacturing company constructed a 48-acre (19 hectare), unlined surface impoundment at a site in northern Texas to store wastewater. The site is underlain by unsaturated, alluvial...

Water Balance Approach to Prediction of Seepage from Mine Tailings Impoundments, Part I: General Water Balance Approach
The prediction of seepage from a tailings impoundment requires careful evaluation because the predictions can have significant economic impact upon designs, as well as permit stipulations...

Water Balance Approach to Prediction of Seepage From Mine Tailings Impoundments, Part II: Theoretical Aspects of Water Balance Approach to Seepage Modeling and Detailed Case History Results
Some of the most significant volumes and rates of interstitial tailings water discharge generally occurs during the initial portions of the primary consolidation process. During primary...

Electric Utility Noise Emissions
Environmental regulations require that impact statements for new electric utility and industrial power plants include an evaluation of noise emissions. Variations in equipment sound power...

Environmental Noise Control for Industrial Facilities
The authors present a brief discussion of the criteria used to evaluate environmental noise control problems. Then, they discuss environmental noise control in the power, petroleum, gas...

Site Selection and Building Design for Minimizing Vibration
Over the last five to ten years, line resolutions required for state-of-the-art semi-conductor wafers have dropped to well below 1 micron. As a result, controlling environmental building...

Hammering Out a New RCRA
Recent amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) add thousands of new waste generators and many new wastes to the list of those to be regulated. Some say RCRA is...

Reshaping the Future of Plastic Buildings
Plastic structures have been around for 40 years, but have for the most part been showcases with little use in the mainstream of the building industry. To be used effectively, plastics...

Storage Projection for Reservoir Systems
Two methods are studied for determining the probability distribution of future levels of storage in a reservoir system: transient analysis and Gould's probability matrix method....

Design and Operating Rules for Reservoir Storage to Offset Future Consumptive Use
The Washington Metropolitan Area (WMA) relies largely on the Potomac River for water supply. After many years of study, a coordinated regional operating plan was adopted by the water supply...

Reliability of Urban Water Supply Reservoir System
Assessment of the reliability, or risk of failure, of water supply reservoirs is dependent on several factors including reservoir volume, probability of dam failure and drought inflows....

Complications in the Design and Analysis of Small Water Distribution Systems
The design and operation of small treatment and distribution networks can sometimes be more complicated than the design of large metropolitan systems. More often than not, the use of standard...

Water Information Available from the U.S. Geological Survey
As a part of the Geological Survey's program of releasing water data to the public, two large-scale computerized systems are maintained. The National Water Data Storage and...

Modelling Complex Water Distribution Systems
A program previously used for the analysis of hundreds of water distribution systems was successfully modified to provide the features needed for the extended simulation of large complex...

Development of a State Information Clearinghouse
The University of Virginia is conducting a study on the feasibility of establishing the Virginia Water Resources Information System (VWRIS). Objectives of the study are: 1) Documenting...





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