A Probe Method for Measuring In Situ Rock Thermophysical Properties
The application of a thermal probe method for in situ thermophysical property measurement is analyzed. The REKA method (Rapid Evaluation of k and alpha) involves a single-borehole probe...

Correlation of Hydraulic Conductivity and Sonic Velocity in Water-Saturated Tuff
A laboratory study was conducted to investigate the correlation of hydraulic and sonic properties of water-saturated tuff. The hydraulic test used a new rock block testing machine, which...

Nondestructive Testing Using Borehole and Surface Seismic Techniques to Evaluate Rock Mass Damage Zones
A suite of seismic tests was performed at the U12g tunnel at the Nevada Test Site. The methods include borehole (crosshole and downhole) and surface (Rayleigh wave and refraction) tests....

Dry Drilling and Coring Development for Unsaturated Zone Studies
Two areas of major difficulty associated with characterization of any unsaturated zone are the conventional drilling and coring processes used to acquire the samples. These processes are...

Field Investigations for Seismic Effects on Mechanical and Geohydrologic Response of Underground Structures in Jointed Rock
An exploratory Seismic Rock Mechanics research program has been initiated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission at the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA) to study...

Barometric Pumping of Contaminated Gases Through Fractured Permeable Media
Contaminated gases may be transported vertically through a fractured permeable medium by the breathing process which is associated with cyclical changes in the barometric pressure. A review...

An Electrochemical Approach to Predicting Corrosion Performance of Container Materials
The pitting potentials of nickel-rich Alloy 825 are measured in chloride-containing solutions at different temperatures and adjusted to different pH values. The pitting potentials were...

Activities Aimed at Qualification of a HLW Disposal Container
A container is being developed for the permanent disposal of used fuel from CANDU nuclear reactors in a deep underground disposal vault. The container is required to isolate the fuel from...

Mechanical Excavator Performance in Yucca Mountain Tuffs
A research effort of four phases is in progress at the Colorado School of Mines. The overall program will evaluate the cutability of welded tuff and other lithologies likely to be excavated...

Drafting of an ISO Standard for Leakage Tests on Packaging for the Transport of Radioactive Material
A working group (TC85/SC5/WG 10) has been formed by ISO for the drafting of an international standard covering the leak testing of radioactive material transport containers. A certain...

Cask Systems Development Program Seal Technology
General design or test performance requirements for radioactive materials (RAM) packages are specified in Title 10 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 71 (10 CFR 71). Seals that...

Testing of Materials and Scale Models for Impact Limiters
Aluminum Honeycomb and Polyurethane foam specimens were tested to obtain experimental data on the material's behavior under different loading conditions. This paper reports...

GA-4/GA-9 Honeycomb Impact Limiter Tests and Analytical Model
General Atomics (GA) has a test program underway to obtain data on the behavior of a honeycomb impact limiter. The program includes testing of small samples to obtain basic information,...

A Decision Support System for Performance-Based Site Characterization
The complex and dynamic requirements of site characterization present a major management challenge. ParaTrac, a regulatory and technical information system, is described as a valuable...

Optimized Models for Predicting Structural Response in Highway Bridges
Optimization techniques are a viable option for modeling bridges that have been field tested. The error between the experimental strains and the analytical strains is minimized by adjusting...

An Electronic Specification for the Earthquake Resistance Design of the Highway Bridges in Pennsylvania
An interactive C program for the seismic design of highway bridges in the state of Pennsylvania is described in this paper. The program was developed in C language on a personal computer....

COMBAT.PC; a New Windows-Based Tool for Three-Dimensional Dynamic Analysis of Multi-storied Building Structures
By some accounts, analytical capability without the power of visualization is little productive; visualization is the tool that will turn computational power into practical results. COMBAT.PC...

Computer Implementation of Seismic Building Codes
The objective of this work is to implement the provisions of building codes current in the U.S. as well as those of other countries for the seismic resistant design of buildings. The work...

Macro-Model for Inelastic Low-Rise R.C. Shear Walls
This paper presents an analytical technique for calculating static and seismic response of low-rise shear wall structures. The displacement response is resulting from bending, shear, and...

Active Control of Structures with Soil-Structure Interaction
The objective of this paper is investigate the effect of soil flexibility on the performance of the active control system for seismic-excited buildings. By using the critical-mode control...





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