A Gas Chromatographic Protocol for the Measurement of Krypton Gas in Water
This paper presents the results of a study to investigate the feasibility of using a gas chromatographic (GC) technique for the measurement of non-radioactive krypton gas concentrations...

Characteristics of Low-Slope Streams that Affect O2 Transfer Rates
Multiple-regression techniques were used to derive the reaeration coefficients estimating equation for low sloped streams: K2 = 3.83 MBAS-0.41...

Development of an Expert System for Estimating Stream Reaeration Rates
This paper describes a data base of measured reaeration coefficients organized to assist users with estimating coefficients for rivers and streams with hydraulic characteristics similar...

Epilimnetic Dissolved Oxygen Content and Surface Water Pump Performance
Surface water pumps have been operated and monitored at TVA's Douglas Dam since 1987. The purpose of these pumps is to improve the dissolved oxygen (DO) content of the hydropower...

Gas Transfer Velocities on Lakes Measured with Sulfur Hexafluoride
Gas transfer velocities have been determined on five lakes ranging in size from 0.13 km2 to 450 km2 using...

Technology Development for Auto-Venting Turbines
Experimentation with venting air into the hydroturbines at Norris Dam has convinced the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) that this is a viable method for increasing dissolved oxygen (DO)...

Sidestream Elevated Pool Aeration Station Design
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) is constructing a system of five Sidestream Elevated Pool Aeration (SEPA) stations along the 35.8 mile Calumet River,...

Ground Water in the Pacific Rim Countries
This proceedings, Ground Water in the Pacific Rim Countries, consists of papers presented at the Symposium held in Honolulu, Hawaii, July 23-25,...

Hydraulic Engineering
This proceedings, Hydraulic Engineering, contains papers presented at the National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, held in Nashville,...

Irrigation and Drainage
This proceedings, Irrigation and Drainage, consists of papers presented at the National Conference on Irrigation and Drainage Engineering held...

Symposium on Ground Water
This proceedings, Symposium on Ground Water, contains papers presented at the International Symposium on Ground Water in Practice, held in...

Remediation and Mitigation Associated with Contamination of Water by Irrigation Drainage
Inorganic trace constituent or pesticide contamination problems associated with irrigation drainage from Federally constructed or managed irrigation projects have been identified in several...

Regional Water Supply Needs and Sources, Southwest Florida Water Management District
In 1990, the Southwest Florida Water Management District completed a district-wide water supply needs and sources planning analysis. The SWFWMD needs and sources analysis identifies water...

Yazoo River Basin a New Direction for the Corps
The paper presents the lessons learned from the past events in the Yazoo Basin. The Yazoo Basin project is the only mechanism available that can provide the flood control that is needed...

Computing in Civil Engineering and Symposium on Data Bases
This proceedings consists of the papers presented at the conference Computing in Civil Engineering and Symposium on Data Bases held in conjunction with A/E/C Systems '91 from May 6-8,...

Water Resources Planning and Management and Urban Water Resources
This proceedings, Water Resources Planning and Management and Urban Water Resources, contains papers presented at the 18th Annual Conference...

Seismic Practices for the Air Transportation System: Evolution and Needs
The seismic performance of air transportation systems is reviewed. The evolution of seismic design criteria and practices for major air transportation system elements is discussed. The...

Heavy Traffic Control Measurement Techniques and Control Strategies
Advanced technologies for traffic detection for freeway control systems are described. mm-wave radar detectors are used with a correlation of vehicle reflexion patterns to acquire section...

Applications of Robotics and Automation in Highway Maintenance Operations
This paper deals with the applications of Advanced Automation and Robotics in highway maintenance operations. The basic components of Robotics and Automation technologies are studied and...

Comparison of Traffic Signal Systems in Australia and North America
Dynamic coordinated traffic signal systems were developed in Australia in the 1970's, and are now installed in many countries. In contrast, strong interest in new generation...





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