Marine Protected Areas and Customary Rights
Customary rights and their importance to the establishment and management of coastal and protected marine areas has emerged as an issue of universal concern. Local involvement in the planning...

The Role of Marine Parks Management in the Conservation of Philippine Coastal Resources
The government, recognizing the need to conserve coastal resources, created in 1977 the Marine Park Inter-Agency Task Force to prepare and supervise the implementation of a master plan...

Hurricane Damage Mitigation Planning
A variety of responses are available to reduce or mitigate the destructive forces of hurricanes. This paper is a summary of the plans developed for Long Island to help prepare the coastal...

Vertical Shelter From Hurricanes: Risk Perceptions and Politics
To reduce risks posed by high hurricane evacuation times, vertical shelters have been proposed. This paper presents a preliminary assessment of key decision makers' reactions...

Developing Oceanfront Hotels on Built-Up Coasts: Resolving Public Access, Natural Hazards, and Community Character Conflicts
In the mid 1980s, a resurgence of hotel development took place along the oceanfront of the northern shore of New Jersey, a 35 mile reach of barrier spits and headlands intensely developed...

Port Facility Development: Public Access and Mitigation Requirements
Coordination of compatible uses and resolution of use conflicts requires continuous effort, extending beyond the planning and permit process and requiring long-range committment of staff...

California: Private Beaches Yield to Public Access
California, often a leader in championing public rights, has grappled with the issue of private ownership versus public usage of the seashore, and in recent years has developed interesting...

Judicial Solutions to Beach Access Problems in New Jersey
Legal doctrines notwithstanding, access to public trust beach is still, in many locations, inconvenient, expensive, or impossible. Private property signs containing threats of fines or...

How to Provide Shoreline Public Access
Methods of providing access facilities are covered which range from outright acquisition, obtaining public easements, and converting street ends to conditioning development permits. The...

The Washington State Public Access Program: Finding Solutions to the Shortcomings
This paper discusses the problems of providing adequate public access and focuses on many of the solutions which have been found and implemented in Washington State. In 1983, the Shorelands...

A Design rReview Board's Role in Developing Public Access
In the past 20 years, the Bay Commission, through its permit process, has required that new public access be provided along more than 100 linear miles of the shoreline of San Francisco...

Public Access on Private Property in New York City
The New York City Waterfront Revitalization Program (WRP) was approved by the city's governing body, and the New York State Secretary of State in 1982. The WRP established...

Controls on the Development and Operation of Shrimp Farms in Ecuador
Best sites for shrimp farm in Ecuador are located in the beach and bay zone. Another option is upland. Several procedures for obtaining a lease in the beach and bay zone or to buy vacant...

Liberty State Park: A Public/Private Partnership (abstract)
The Liberty State Park Development Corporation was formed to create public/private partnerships to develop this 750 acre urban park, which lies just 1750 feet from the Statue of Liberty....

Judicial Review of Coastal Regulation
The paper discusses the impact of recent public access cases on the regulatory taking issue and on the long-term prognosis for public access and private rights along the California coast....

Timber Bulkheads
Timber bulkhead design and construction methods are presented in this publication for consideration by the engineering profession. Included are papers on an analytical method for the design...

Sound Structure
A new concert hall in Dallas, Tex., has the first acoustical design done with the aid of computer simulations that also dictated the shape of the performance space. Those dictates, in...

Dioxins and Human Health
Few environmental issues have attracted as much attention and controversy as the dioxins. Considerable expense has been incurred investigating effects in human populations and laboratory...

Risk Assessment and Public Policy
A governmental official charged with making solid waste policy should be careful not to allow the public policy issue to be defined as the determination of the acceptable level of risk...

Irrigation Water Management with Rotation Scheduling Policies
Rotation schedules are delivery-system oriented and represent relatively low capitol investment in system components and system management, but are not usually responsive enough to crop...





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