Advances in Analysis of Structural Masonry
The papers in this book were presented at the technical session, Advances in Analysis of Structural Masonry, at the ASCE Structures Congress '86 held in New Orleans, LA, on...

Modeling Human Error in Structural Design and Construction
Human error is recognized as the major cause of structural failure. Moreover, it may greatly exacerbate the damaging effect of other hazards, such as earthquakes. The objectives of this...

Shopping for a New Bridge Coat
Total shop coating of new steel bridges appears to be the best armor against corrosion. This alternative is one of three techniques for diminishing the difficulty and expense of painting...

Cut-and-Fill Becomes Cut-and-Drain
The U.S. Navy's facility in Subic Bay, Philippines, is in a mountainous area which experiences 182 inches of rain per year. These factors plus weak soil, made necessary an...

Quality of Inspectors?In Search of Excellence
Assuring quality in construction has become a major challenge to the design/construction industry today. Attention to the issue has been a result of problems in the nuclear power industry...

Management Lessons from Engineering Failures
Engineering failures are not always catastrophic. More are due to improper management of contracts rather than actual physical failures. Some result in loss of life; most result in disputes...

Cleaning the Nut Island Outfalls
As an early component of a comprehensive program to reduce pollution in Boston Harbor, two 80-year-old cast-iron outfalls, each 60 inches in diameter and a mile long were cleaned in a...

Bus Maintenance Cost Control
Effective bus maintenance programs are essential for the cost-effective provision of reliable transit service. Standard tools for maintenance management include preventative maintenance...

Design Flexibility Cuts Costs
The Los Angeles Water Department saved $5 million on a pipeline project by investigating the capabilities of pipe fabricators to furnish the pipe size required and by being open to alternate...

On-Line Computerized Maintenance Management
Maintenance is the last cost saving frontier of scientific management. Top management has concentrated on production for generations, largely ignoring maintenance. The attitude of 'fix...

Learning From Failure
Innovative engineering design involves assumptions about the future use and behavior of a structure. By understanding and learning from the infrequent but spectacular large failures, engineers...

Geology of the Strontia Springs Arch Dam
Precambrian metamorphic gneisses comprised the foundation rock at Strontia Springs Damsite. Geologic exploration at the axis selected for the arch dam revealed a large shear zone which...

Ice Loads on Structures With Compound Slopes
Many of the offshore drilling structures proposed for use in the Arctic have sides with multiple slopes. Sloping walls are used at the waterline to cause the ice sheet to fail in bending...

Risk Assessment of Sea Bottom Scouring Using Fuzzy Set Theory
An approach to the assessment of risk to buried pipelines from ice gouging is developed using Fuzzy Set Theory. Statistical procedures currently used to analyze ice gouge data are inadequate...

Route Thaw Settlement: A Probabilistic Evaluation
A methodology is outlined for assessing potential differential thaw settlement effects on structures due to permafrost degradation along transportation routes in the offshore, nearshore,...

Centrifugal Modeling of Ice Forces on Single Piles
The ice forces and ice floe failure mechanisms associated with an ice sheet surrounding a vertical cylindrical pile were evaluated. A test system was developed to model ice forces in gravity...

Three-Dimensional Analysis of an Artificial Island
A nonlinear, finite element analysis has been carried out to investigate the influence of three-dimensional loading and geometry on deformation and failure of an artificial island. The...

Failure Modes in Concrete Structures Due to Ice Load
Analytical methods are described for predicting local behavior of deepwater concrete structures subjected to short duration loading from floating ice. Overall analytical approaches such...

Response of Concrete Shell Panels to Simulated Impact
Concrete gravity structures have been constructed in Arctic regions for oil and gas exploration/production. In addition to extreme winds and waves, sheet ice, annual ridges, rubble fields,...

Effects of External Loadings on Large-Diameter Buried Pipelines
Development of oil and gas resources in the far north has involved extensive use of buried steel pipelines. Buried pipelines, particularly onshore, are frequently subjected to heavy superimposed...





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