Flood Control Design for Development on Alluvial Fans
Hydrology, debris production, sediment transport and hydraulic studies were conducted to provide flood control for a development within an alluvial fan floodplain. Innovative techniques...

Verification of a Numerical Model for Suspended Sediment Transport in San Francisco Bay
Two-dimensional vertically averaged hydrodynamic and sediment transport models were verified to field measurements from a 25-hour intensive survey in central San Francisco Bay. Excellent...

River Dike Design Using a Numerical Model Approach
The preliminary design of a dike field at Redeye Crossing on the Mississippi River (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) is discussed. The TABS-2 modeling system was used to develop a two dimensional...

Effects of Fine Sediment Intrusion on Spawning Gravel in Southeast Alaska
The supply of sediment to forest streams in Southeastern Alaska is related to the inherent instabilities of landforms, stream channels and the effects of logging practices. Debris avalanches,...

Visualization of a Groundwater Contaminant Model
Groundwater contamination is a problem of major national concern. Three-dimensional characterization of groundwater contamination is typically required. This paper describes integration...

Visualizing Groundwater Flow
This presentation demonstrates the application of some public domain scientific visualization software tools in the area of groundwater modeling. Specifically, we use these tools to interpret...

A Three-Dimensional Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Coupled Geographical Information System
A numerical model for natural resource damage assessments is discussed. The model addresses a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. The transport equations for both pollutant and...

A New Approach to Local Scour Depth Estimation Under a Horizontal Jet or Free Water Fall
A new formula is presented to estimate the local scour depth development with time due to a horizontal jet or free water fall based on a new approach which combines the concept of energy...

Sediment Modeling of Dam Removal Alternatives, Elwha River, Washington
The new version of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) 1-Dimensional sediment transport model, HEC-6 'Scour and Deposition in Rivers and Reservoirs', was...

Sediment Problems Associated with Dam Removal, Muskegon River, Michigan
This paper presents an analysis of sediment movement in Michigan's Muskegon River following the removal of Newaygo Dam. The analysis utilized a physical process simulation...

Predicted Fluvial Response to Dam Removal in the Kalamazoo River Valley, Michigan
Research has been conducted by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) to predict the fluvial response to dam drawdown and determine the distribution of recent deposits along...

Field Measurement of Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport of the Mississippi River at Old River
Two detailed field surveys of the hydrodynamics and suspended sediment transport of the Mississippi River at the Old River Control Structure complex were completed in February and June...

Sediment Sources Analysis for Peoria Lake Along the Illinois River
The modern-day lower Illinois River flows within a greatly oversized valley formed by an old course of the Mississippi River and glacial outwash events. As a result, the section of the...

Ambient Suspended Sediment Concentration and Turbidity Levels
The temporal variation of suspended sediment concentration and turbidity is an important component of the riverine environment. The maximum rate of discrete volumetric sample collection...

Turbulence and Reynolds Stress Distribution in a Natural River
Turbulence characteristics of ambient flow velocities and their comparison with those generated by the movement of barge traffic within the channel border area in a navigation waterway...

Measurements to Calibrate Suspended Sediment Model for Adsorbed Contaminant Transport Study of North Fork Holston River, Virginia
A daily suspended sediment (SS) and mercury transport model was developed for a 25-mile reach of the North Fork Holston River below Saltville, Virginia. Daily streamflow measurements;...

An Engineering Analysis of Sedimentation in Tidal Inlets
The engineering comparative analysis of deposition and scour of noncohesive sediments in the neighborhood of bridges over tidal inlets is a unique problem which does not lend itself conveniently...

Fluvial Recharge of Sand Mining Pit
Accuracy in modeling fluvial processes becomes increasingly important as development occurs along waterways. The FLUVIAL-12 (1, 2) model is used to simulate the recharge of sand mining...

A National Research Agenda to Enhance the Civil Engineering Profession Today and in the Future
The civil engineering profession of yesterday and today is highlighted by the design and construction of impressive projects in energy, transportation, buildings, and power systems. Innovative...

Construction Inspection in South Carolina
The paper will discuss the experience of the South Carolina Department of Transportation in the use of consulting engineering firms on bridge construction projects. A review of the current...





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