Ute Mountain Ute Indian Water Rights Settlement of 1988
The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, located in the southwest corner of Colorado, agreed to a negotiated settlement of Winters Doctrine Water Rights rather than pursuing litigation. The Tribe will...

Administration of the Pecos River Compact Between New Mexico and Texas
The Pecos River Compact specifies the allocation of water between New Mexico and Texas. Due to difficulty in reaching agreement Texas sued New Mexico in the Supreme Court. The Court issued...

Water Basins in the Middle East
In Middle Eastern factional scheming for power, water is viewed as a strategic resource. The distribution of surface waters constitutes the basis for water geopolitics, thus representing...

Water Development Ideology: A New Status Quo
The old ideology of economic growth used to justify water resource development is no longer popular in the Southwest. A new ideology is developing, based on new circumstances....

Stormwater Management Planning for the Rush Creek Watershed, Arlington, Texas
Persistent planning focused through the City of Arlington and a Citizen Stormwater Management Implementation Committee has initiated the developed of a City stormwater management program...

Lake Zephyr Watershed Stormwater Management Plan
Zephyr Creek, located near the City of Zephyrhills in west-central Florida, annually experiences flooding caused by rainfall. Development has encroached into the floodplain causing homes,...

Optimization of Water Resources Allocation Using the Modsim Model
The Fraser River Basin is located in north central Colorado west of the Continental Divide in an alpine basin with elevations ranging from 8,000 to 12,000 feet. Existing permanent resident...

Restoration of a Buttress Dam
Inspections of Morris Shepard Dam on the Brazos River in Texas revealed serious defects in the dam and its foundation. Piezometric pressures below the spillway buttresses greatly exceeded...

Changing Land Uses in the Platte and Arkansas Basins
Several water disputes among various parties in the Platte and Arkansas River Basins may have significant impacts on future land use practices. This paper describes five cases being litigated...

Economic Benefits of a Flood Warning System?The Ventura County, California Experience
Since the spring of 1979, Ventura County has been receiving the benefits of a growing Flood Warning System (FWS). Beginning with six self-reporting raingages, two untested flow models,...

Fort Worth: Where the West Began with Water
This paper presents a historic overview of the impact the Trinity River has had on the development of Forth Worth with regard to fire protection, water supply and flood control....

The Dallas Floodway?Past and Present Successes in Flood Protection Benefits
This paper explores the history of the Dallas Floodway, past performance of the project under various flood conditions and, most recently, the present successes in flood protection provided...

Old Ideas, New Applications: Expanding the State of the Practice
This paper describes three projects in which analytical tools were developed to assist decision makers in operating large-scale water resource systems. Position analysis models were developed...

Reservoir Operations by Fuzzy Goal Programming
The reservoir operations problem is composed of obtaining optimal releases, and storages of a reservoir and downstream reach routed flows based on forecasted inflows and precipitation....

Using an Index Stream to Make Instream Flow Decisions
The paper discusses development of an Integrated Operating Plan (IOP) that uses an unregulated (natural) stream in the upper Cedar basin as an index of overall hydrologic status of the...

Estimating Lake Inflows for Storage by Linear Programming
The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) recently completed a Water Management Plan for the lower Colorado River Basin in Texas. In developing the Plan, a daily river flow routing procedure,...

Water Measurement and Accounting of Lake Michigan Diversion
The diversion of water from Lake Michigan and the Lake Michigan Basin into the Mississippi River Basin has been regulated since the turn of the century. The U.S. Supreme Court Decree of...

Abilene, Texas, Flood Control Study?Cast History
The Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, is currently performing a study of flooding problems of Abilene, Texas. This is the first study under the General Investigations authority...

Conflict Resolution, Reallocation and Management of Lake Texoma Resources
From its inception, Lake Texoma has created conflicts among users of its natural resources, including hydropower, water supply, flood control, and recreational users. Many attempts have...

Advances in Hydraulic Stream Modeling Using HEC-2
The Corps of Engineers, Ft. Worth, Texas, Flood Plain Management Services Branch has developed hydraulic stream models for creeks and rivers throughout the state of Texas for the purpose...





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