New Plant Treats River and Well Water
A new 16 mgd water softening plant at Elgin, Ill. is designed to treat raw water either from the Fox River or deep wells, or in any combination. Flexibility of the chemical feed systems...

Integrated Testing and Analysis
This paper represents a new approach which greatly streamlines the entire process. In those cases where finite element modeling is used without test verification, the procedure consists...

Analytical Solution of Cable Tray Hanger 3D Structural Interaction under Seismic Loading
Structural design of cable tray hangers is controlled by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's stringent requirements of seismic analysis. A finite element space frame model...

Transient Fluid-Structure Interaction of a Cylindrical Tank with a Flexible Baseplate
Analytically predicted coupled natural frequencies, response functions, and transient responses are compared with measured values for a partially filled cylindrical tank subject to excitation...

Fluid Structure Interaction Analysis of a Concrete Suppression Chamber of Mark I Containment System
Recent studies have demonstrated that the interaction between a structure and fluid can have a significant influence on the response of the overall system when subjected to certain dynamic...

Determination of Containment Vessel Ultimate Capacity Using Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
Analysis of steel containment vessels is normally performed using linear elastic solutions with allowable stresses specified by applicable design codes. This method gives little indication...

Safety Investigations of Existing Spent Fuel Storage Structures for Increased Spent Fuel Storage Capacity
Delays in the solution of disposal problems continue to create the need for additional on-site spent fuel storage capacity at commercial nuclear power generating facilities. Rod consolidation...

ACI 349 Embedments: Code Provisions and Methods of Analysis
Steel embedments form the critical link between steel and concrete structures. Appendix B of ACT 349, Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Concrete Structures, specifies the ultimate...

Importance of Pipe Soil Stiffness Ratio in Plastic Pipe Design
In this paper, the finite element method of analysis is used to study the effect of pipe-soil stiffness ratio on axial forces, bending moments, and deflection of pipes of varying stiffness....

Automated Analysis Model Generation
The state of development of the capabilities needed to automatically link the geometric definition of a CAD system to finite element analysis is discussed. Areas considered include fully...

The Use of Soil Mechanics Capabilities in a General Purpose Finite Element Program
This paper describes capabilities, points out features of implementation in a general purpose code, and describes some numerical considerations. The paper makes use of illustrative solutions....

Consolidation Performance of Soft Clays: Part 1. Model
The simplified version of the soil model used in the finite element scheme is a linear anisotropic elastic model. Part 1 defines the parameters needed for the model and the laboratory...

Application of Finite Strain Consolidation Theory for Engineering Design and Environmental Planning of Mine Tailings Impoundments
A knowledge of the consolidation behavior of mine tailings, during and after deposition, is important in estimating final impoundment capacity, rate and pore fluid expulsion during and...

Efficiency of Capping Contaminated Dredged Material
The ability of capping with sand to chemically and biologically isolate contaminated dredged material was investigated using large scale (250 l) laboratory reactor units. Tissue analyses...

Plant Bioassay of Contaminated Dredged Material
Contaminant mobility from a contaminated saltwater sediment placed in flooded and upland disposal conditions was studied in the greenhouse. Spartina alterniflora was grown in contaminated...

A Biogeochemical Evaluation of Disposal Options
This paper briefly reviews some of the factors that should be considered in selecting an environmentally sound disposal method for contaminated sediments on the basis of the biogeochemical...

RCRA EP Toxicity Test Applied to Dredged Material
A set of 25 Great Lakes harbor sediment samples were subjected to bulk sediment analysis and the EP Toxicity Test. Based on the results of this pilot study, there appears to be little,...

Activity-Based Evaluation of Potential Bioaccumulation from Sediments
Sediment bioaccumulation potential evaluations can be improved by a two-level approach. Chemical analysis of sediment interpreted using phase-activity considerations in first-level evaluations...

Boundary Element Analysis of Flow in Heterogenous Porous Media
The boundary integral equation method (BIEM) is an efficient numerical method which has been applied to a wide variety of engineering problems governed by a partial differential equation...

Superplasticizers: Reducing Water in Concrete
Superplasticizers or high-range water reducers are new types of chemical admixtures which when incorporated into concrete can cause significant increases in its slump but without any loss...





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