Research Needs in Hydraulic Engineering
The information presented herein has barely dented the surface of the needs for hydraulic research, and of the methods required to obtain funding for that research. The responses and reports...

Current Legal Issues in Sedimentation
This paper represents the updating of Chapter 7 for Manual 54. There has been considerable change in legal rulings and precedent law since the first edition of Manual 54. Many of these...

Updating Chapter II?Sediment Transportation Mechanics
Chapter II, the most comprehensive chapter of the Sedimentation Engineering Manual, has aged. The manual prepared by the Task Committee for the Manual on Sedimentation was published by...

Engineering Geomorphology
Engineering geomorphology is the application of geologic and geomorphic principles to the solution of river engineering problems. Development of a process-based understanding of a problem...

Wetland Management in Britain: A Comparative Approach
Wetland management in the United Kingdom is in an early stage of development. The importation of management aims and techniques from other countries with more advanced programmes is an...

In-Depth Scour Evaluations for Bridges in Pennsylvania
The scour evaluations described herein have been prepared for the Pennsylvania Turnpike bridge crossing the Unami Creek, the first bridge studied in a series of nineteen major Turnpike...

Protecting the Boca Raton Outfall Before and After Hurricane Andrew
A critical factor for the success of an ocean outfall is its ability to remain intact and functional for many decades of service, despite extreme episodes of wave attack and beach erosion....

Scour Analysis for Bridges over Missouri and Mississippi Rivers
Engineering services are being provided for three bridge crossings, two over the Missouri River and the other over the Mississippi River. Scour consideration for the bridged waterways...

Pier Scour Equations Used in China
This report describes the equations used in the People's Republic of China for estimating scour depth at bridge structures. The equations were worked out from model and field data at the...

Calibration of Manning's Roughness for a River Reach
The Albuquerque Projects Office of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation collected water surface elevations for measured discharges for the Rio Grande and many of its tributaries to try to obtain...

Fluid Mechanics Aspects of Ocean Outfalls
Prediction of the environmental effects of ocean outfalls requires understanding of some complex fluid mechanical phenomena. These include the dynamics of merging plumes in flowing, density-stratified...

Sediment Disposal and Transport in Central SF Bay
The relocation of dredged material from navigation channels in the Francisco Bay is crucial to the movement of deep-draft shipping and shallow-draft recreational vessels. The margins of...

McCormick Bridge Scour Evaluation?A Case Study of a Tidal Bridge
Although the Federal Highway Authority has implemented procedures for bridge scour analysis in their HEC-18 publication, they do not indicate a procedure for scour depth determination...

Wind Induced Circulation in Shallow Lakes
Clear Lake is a relatively shallow lake in Northern California. Natural flows are small but at times they do transport heavy metals into the lake. In order to predict water quality constituent...

Riprap Coverage Around Bridge Piers
Experiments were conducted to examine the effect of riprap size and coverage on reducing local scour at bridge piers. Pier diameter, bed material size, riprap size and diameter were varied...

Scour Retrofit Case Studies for Arizona
Scour retrofit involves a coordinated analysis and joint determination of action by several engineering disciplines: typically, geotechnical, hydraulic and structural engineering. The...

An Improved Method for Measuring System Performance of Hydraulic Infrastructure Systems
Due to the public awareness of the importance of functioning of hydraulic infrastructure systems and the serious consequences caused by their failure, many researches were undertaken to...

Integration of Environmental Management with Reservoir and Power System Operations
Two examples related to the Tennessee Valley Authority's reservoir and power systems operation with environmental performance and management as major goals are given in this paper. One...

Methods for Prediction of Maximum Scour at Coastal Structures
The most common coast scour-related problems are toe scour at rubble mound structures and vertical seawalls, and scour at the base of piles and horizontal pipelines. Existing scour prediction...

Overmining Causes Undermining(It's a Mad Mad River)
Instream aggregate mining has caused significant problems and expense to California bridges. Riverbed degradation on the order of 3-5 m (9-15 ft) beneath waterway crossings within actively...





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