Computer Management Concepts for Student Engineering
This paper presents many of the principles and concepts being taught to engineers of the future concerning their use of computer related activities. For example, from the cost/risk/benefit...

Encouraging and Controlling Use of Automation
Judicious use of automation can greatly enhance the productivity of an engineering staff. Integration of multiple computing processes with technology such as plotting, digitizing, total...

Shallow Seismic Exploration in Soil Dynamics
Methods of shallow seismic exploration of soils are continually developing and evolving. Advances in techniques and equipment for performing crosshole and downhole tests, new data on interpretation...

Microcomputer Software Support at the State Level
This paper describes a case where the organizational approach to microcomputer control was taken and contrasts the results with optimal individual systems within the group. In this context,...

Use of Microcomputers in Transportation: Potential, Limitations and Future Trends
An overview is given of the existing programs for microcomputer applications in transportation with emphasis in software for traffic analysis and management. The impacts of the increased...

Transportation Systems Forecasting Using Microcomputer Models
This paper describes the evaluation of six transportation forecasting programs which operate on microcomputers. The evaluation is undertaken from the perspective of a metropolitan planning...

Managing Federal Aid Using Microcomputers
Wisconsin's federal aid for highway improvement is about 225,000,000 annually. The obligation authority (the ability to spend the federal aid) is limited to an estimated 162,000,000...

Status of Microcomputer Support Centers
In 1983 and 1984, the FHWA and UMTA established formal microcomputer User Groups in each of three transportation application areas assisted by a technical Microcomputer Support Center...

Field Data Collection for Traffic Studies
Microcomputer applications have emerged in all areas of traffic data collection, reduction and utilization. They have done much to improve the productivity and credibility of the data...

Queueing Applications for Stop Sign Operation
A pair of programs has been developed as a teaching tool to illustrate the application of simple queueing principles to transportation problems as taught in an introductory course in Transportation...

POSIT?An Interactive Timing Optimization Program
A window-oriented, microcomputer-based signal optimization program called POSIT (Program for Optimizing Signalized Intersection Timing) has been developed that provides traffic engineers...

Signal Software Engineering Tool or Black Box
This paper is intended to point out some of the many possible pitfalls ready to catch the unsuspecting traffic engineer who utilizes the microcomputer. The tremendous benefits of microcomputer...

Basic Considerations for the Planning and Implementation of an Urban Area Traffic Sign and Pavement Marking Microcomputer Based Inventory and Record Keeping System
This paper presents basic concepts and operations which are necessary to put into place a microcomputer based inventory system. The paper briefly examines past experience, discusses microcomputer...

Traffic Safety and Operations Technology Transfer Applications
The Institute of Transportation Studies, through its Technology Transfer Program, is engaged in several microcomputer projects related to traffic operations and safety, and technical support...

A Model for Evacuation of Transportation Networks
MASSVAC is a computer simulation model developed for the analysis and evaluation of evacuation plans for urban areas threatened by natural disasters. In addition to area demographic characteristics,...

Evaluation of Before and After Traffic Conditions
A microcomputer program to evaluate the before and after traffic conditions of a highway project is described. An overview of the evaluation methodology used in the design of the program...

A Freeway Simulation Program for Microcomputers
An interactive, menu driven macroscopic freeway simulation program with graphic capabilities is presented in this paper. In addition to the employment of personal computers the program...

Applications of Computer Graphics in Traffic Control
Computer models to develop improved designs and traffic management schemes are used more effectively with graphical displays of their results. This paper describes the TRANSYT DISPLAY...

Traffic Signal System Information Management Using a Microcomputer Based Record Keeping Program
This paper presents various aspects of traffic signal system management using a special purpose microcomputer based information and record keeping program. The paper presents a brief background,...

TRANSYT 7F Applications on a Microcomputer
This paper describes the results of work undertaken by Michigan State University Civil Engineering graduate students as part of two separate class projects. Significant support was provided...





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