FERC's Experience in Analyzing Cumulative Impacts
Since the mid-1980's, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) has assessed cumulative impacts associated with developing proposed hydropower projects. A brief...

Fishery Assessments at Hydroelectric Projects Using Electrofishing, Nets, and Hydroacoustics
Assessments of fish population and entrainment were made at a hydroelectric generating station and spill dam on the Ohio River. By combining complementary sampling techniques, full assessments...

Managing the Columbia River to Meet Anadromous Fish Requirements
According to northwest fishery agencies and Indian tribes the protection for juvenile salmon and steelhead is not adequate. The Northwest Power Planning Council, formed as the result of...

Hydropower and Fish Passage Impacts
The Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Act) of 1980 formed the Northwest Power Planning Council, which establishes criteria and sets goals for developing future...

A Water Quality Impact Analysis of a Hydropower Facility
A low-head hydropower generating facility has been proposed at an existing dam site on a river. The state environmental agency has required an environmental evaluation into the potential...

Balancing Hydropower Development in the Ohio River Basin
A large number of retrofit hydroelectric projects have been proposed at existing navigation dams in the Ohio River basin. These proposals involve potentially adverse environmental impacts,...

Regional Rivers Resource Assessment as a Tool for Hydropower Planning and Policy: The Pacific Northwest Rivers Study
In August, 1984, the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and the Northwest Power Planning Council (Council) initiated a study to provide information about important river characteristics...

The Groundwater Studies for the Harrisburg Hydroelectric Project
The proposed Harrisburg Hydroelectric Project is a conventional 34.4-MW power facility located on the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The project will raise the river water...

Geology and Hydrofacture, Moose River Power Tunnel, New York
The Moose River Hydroelectric Project, Lyonsdale, New York, is constructed in Precambrian gneiss of the western Adirondack Mountains. A key element of the project was construction and...

The Construction of the Sidney A. Murray, Jr. Hydroelectric Power Plant
The project, consisting of eight 8.2m bulb turbines rated at 192MW, is located in the State of Louisiana and will use a portion of the water diverted from the Mississippi River to the...

Vertical Axis Hydro Turbines for Off Grid Installations
This paper describes the design, manufacture and testing of a 5 kW floating VAHT for use in tidal, ocean, and river installations. This work is based on the results of research contracts...

Electrical and Mechanical Design, Commissioning, and Performance of the Moose River Hydroelectric Project
The Moose River Hydroelectric Project is a single-unit run-of-river hydroelectric facility located near Lyonsdale, New York, and was developed by a private firm. The generating equipment...

Crest Gates Design for Upper Mechanicville
This paper describes the design of flap-type spillway crest gates for the Upper Mechanicville Project, located on the Hudson River near Mechanicville, New York. These gates are being provided...

Runner Induced Penstock Vibrations
During the start up testing of the Sly Creek Power-house a severe penstock vibration was discovered at wicket gate openings above 65%. Subsequent testing revealed that the penstock vibration...

Yacyreta Hydroelectric Project Turbine Design
This paper provides general information about this major hydroelectric project on the Parana River on the border between Argentina and Paraguay in South America. In addition, some specific...

Update: Ozark-Webbers Falls Turbines
The Ozark and Webbers Falls powerhouses were designed and constructed under the supervision of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Both are located on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation...

Design and Installation Concepts for High Capacity Pump/Turbines
This paper discusses the pre-planned field welding and machining operations utilized for six (6) large pump/turbines, each capable of 508 MW at Virginia Power Company's Bath...

Pit Turbines, an Economical Solution for Low Heads
The paper describes the experience with pit turbine design and construction at the 8 MW St. Cloud facility located on the Mississippi River in Minnesota. Major topics in the paper include...

Field Efficiency Testing of Hydroelectric Turbines
The wide variability of conditions encountered in field testing of turbines is illustrated by examining two case studies with widely different scenarios. One site involved field acceptance...

Planning and Operation of Hydropower Development on a Navigation System, a Case Study
This paper examines the steps taken to optimally develop the hydropower plant at Lock and Dam No. 13 on the Arkansas River as part of an existing multiple use system. The specific items...





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