SWMM Application in Indian River County, Florida
The EPA's Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was used to simulate drainage canal system network within Indian River County, Florida. Runoff and Extran module of the PCSWMM...

Experience with Cavitation in High Pressure Slide Gates
The Bureau of Reclamation has many years of experience in the design and operation of high pressure slide gates. This paper discusses the historical use of high pressure slide gates by...

Design, Construction and Testing of Repairs to the Low Level Outlets at Terzaghi Dam
Operation of the low level outlets (LLOs) at Terzaghi Dam in southwestern British Columbia resulted in severe cavitation at operating heads significantly lower than design. Modifications...

Design and Operation of Guard Gates
Guard gates for hydroelectric intakes and low-level outlets are normally intended for operation only under balanced heads. In the case of failure of regulating gates, the guard gate may...

Handling of Intake Bulkhead at King Talal Dam
During raising of King Talal Dam in Jordan in 1986, the existing intake wheel gate provided at the inlet of the project Low Level Outlet Works (LLOW) tunnel was found inadequate to withstand...

Model-Prototype Comparison of the Bay Springs Lock, Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, Mississippi
A comprehensive prototype evaluation of the Bay Springs Lock, Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, Mississippi, was conducted by the Hydraulics Laboratory, Waterways Experiment Station (WES)....

Model Study of New Bonneville Lock
The filling and emptying system of the New Bonneville Lock was designed by the US Army Engineer District, Portland. The lock will be 86 ft wide by 675 ft long, with a design lift of 69.5...

Model Study of Potential Debris Problems at the Proposed Diversion of Clover Fork River, Harlan, Kentucky
A study was conducted at the Waterways Experiment Station in Vicksburg, Mississippi, using a physical and a numerical model, to evaluate the entrance conditions at a proposed tunnel diversion...

Hydraulics of Side-Channel Weirs for Regional Detention Basins
Side-channel weirs can be used for diversion to reduce flood peaks. A 1:25 scale model was built to investigate the hydraulic characteristics of embankment-shaped side-channel weirs. Results...

Hydraulic Model and Prototype Experience on Old River Overbank Structure
Physical hydraulic model tests of the Old River overbank structure were conducted to investigate the hydraulic performance of the stilling basin and evaluate riprap stability and scour...

Extreme Flood Probability Estimates in Practice
Selecting the safety design flood for a dam or siting structures where flooding would cause severe social or economic disruption requires balancing the likelihood and consequences of failure...

The Estimation of Extreme Floods in Brazil
In Brazil, the design flood of a large dam is calculated using either the Probable Maximum Flood criteria or the 10,000-year Flood. Recently a Guidebook has been written to help Brazilian...

GEOPACK: A Geostatistical Software System
A comprehensive, user-friendly geostatistical software system called GEOPACK has been developed. The purpose of this software is to make available the programs necessary to undertake a...

An Overview of Coastal Stormwater Drainage Problems
Considerable studies have focused on the drainage design in upland areas. In the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal region, the stormwater drainage presents many unique problems mainly due to the...

Design of Expansions for Sub-Critical Open Channel Flow
Expansions for open channel flow at sub-critical velocity are required whenever it is necessary to reduce the velocity of flow from a structure which discharges into an erodible channel....

Hydraulic Design of Mud Mountain Dam Outlet Works Modifications
Mud Mountain Dam is a single-purpose flood control project located on the White River in western Washington State. The existing flood control outlet works consist of an upstream controlled...

Cocohatchee River Basin Study
The report presents the modeling of the Cocohatchee River basin, including 2-D routings for wetland regimes, hydrologic/hydraulic analyses of the agricultural and suburban land uses, and...

Special Hydraulic Problems Related to Coastal Louisiana Drainage Systems
The urbanized coastal areas of southeast Louisiana present unique problems for hydraulic engineers. These problems relate to the design of drainage systems serving leveed areas with flat...

Water Distribution System Design Considering Component Failure During Static Conditions
A continuous hydraulic availability relationship is presented which more realistically models minimum pressure requirements for water distribution systems. This relationship is used in...

Optimal Reliability Based Design for Water Distribution Systems
The methodology presented in this paper explicitly includes availability measures that incorporate both mechanical and hydraulic unavailability of system components for a dynamic system....





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