Performance Assessment at the NRC: Current Issues and Recent Progress
Performance assessment plays a major role in the NRC's licensing program for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Planned and recent performance assessment activities...

A Proposed Methodology for Validating Performance Assessment Models for the DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
The Department of Energy (DOE) has developed a draft methodology for validating performance assessment models that will be used in the licensing of high-level waste repository systems....

Initiating Event Identification and Screening for Nuclear Waste Repository Preclosure Risk Assessment
This paper describes a method to identify potential initiating events that might occur during the preclosure phase at a nuclear waste repository proposed for the Yucca Mountain area of...

Preclosure Safety Analysis for a Prospective Yucca Mountain Conceptual Design Repository
A preliminary probabilistic risk assessment was performed for the prospective Yucca Mountain conceptual design repository. A new methodology to quantify radioactive source terms was developed...

Status of Integrated Performance Assessment of the Waste Packages and Engineered Barrier System
Performance assessment of the engineered barrier system for a nuclear waste repository combines information from relevant disciplines and predicts the net long-term performance of the...

Mass-Transfer Analysis of Waste Packages Containing Defense Waste Processing Facility Glass as a Waste Form
The fractional release rates of selected radionuclides from waste packages containing Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) glass are calculated using the AREST code, assuming a continuous-diffusive...

Diffusion Barrier Transport Properties of Unsaturated Paintbrush Tuff Rubble Backfill
Diffusion coefficients (D) were experimentally determined in unsaturated tuff gravel to evaluated the effectiveness of tuff gravel and rubble as a diffusion barrier to ionic transport...

Evaluation of Near-Field Thermal Environmental Conditions for a Spent Fuel Repository in Tuff
A repository heat transfer analysis is being performed by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL)a for the U.S. Department of Energy's...

Technical Considerations and Approcah for Evaluating Substantially Complete Containment of High-Level Nuclear Waste
The current Federal Regulations, Title 10 Part 60.113(a)(1)(i)(A) require that, for at least 300 years, nuclear waste containment within a waste package shall be substantially complete....

A Gas-Flow Source Term from a Nuclear Waste Container in an Unsaturated Medium
The potential nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain is to be in partially saturated rock. Released radioactive gases would have a direct pathway to the biosphere. The entry of air...

?4C Release From Failed Spent Fuel Containers
Partially failed containers may provide a meaningful barrier to the release of gaseous radionuclides. A modeling approach is outlined and sample calculations are provided that show the...

A Waste Package Strategy for Regulatory Compliance
This paper summarizes the strategy given in the Site Characterization Plan (SCP) for demonstrating complicance with the post closure performance objectives for the waste package and the...

Container Material Selection, Modeling and Testing
Virtually all of the approximately 40,000 high-level nuclear wast containers to be emplaced at Yucca Mountain must remain intact for 1,000 years to satisfy Nuclear Regulatory Commission...

MIIT; International In-Situ Testing of Simulated HLW Forms?Preliminary Analyses of SRL 165/TDS Waste Glass and Metal Systems
The first in-situ tests involving burial of simulated high-level waste (HLW) forms conducted in the United States were started on July 22, 1986. This effort, called the Materials Interface...

Role of Waste Packages in the Safety of a High Level Waste Repository in a Deep Geological Formation
The safety of a radioactive waste disposal facility lays on the three following barriers placed between the radioactive materials and the biosphere: the waste package, the engineered barriers,...

Optimizing Spent Fuel Cask Designs for Use in the Federal Waste Management System
The DOE will design and develop a new fleet of casks to transport spent fuel using innovative approaches to optimize the cask design. Preliminary casks designs indicate capacity increases...

Dry Spent Fuel Storage Compatibility at the Back End of the Fuel Cycle
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has publicly called for dry storage designs to be compatible with the back end of the fuel cycle, to achieve overall fuel cycle efficiency....

State of Nevada Nuclear Waste Shipping Cask Design Studies
The State of Nevada has sponsored several contractor studies regarding nuclear waste shipping cask design issues. A comprehensive transportation needs assessment completed in 1988 recommended...

The Continuing Evolution of a Radioactive Material Transport System
The paper considers the evolution of BNFL's transportation system and those lessons learned and incorporated or being incorporated in the system as it continues to evolve....

BR-100 Spent Fuel Shipping Cask Development
Continued public acceptance of commercial nuclear power is contingent to a large degree on the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) establishing an integrated waste management system for spent...





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