Applications of GIS for Water Quality Modeling in Agricultural and Urban Watersheds
Two studies were conducted to integrate: 1) an agricultural nonpoint source pollution model, AGNPS, with Geographic Information System (GIS) databases, digital elevation model (DEM) data,...

Diffuser Design for Water Quality-Based Toxics Control
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations require that the discharge of toxic pollutants to the waters of the United States be controlled. These regulatory requirements have made...

Natural Salt Pollution in the Brazos River Basin
Water quality in several major river basins in the Southwestern United States is seriously degraded by natural salt contamination. The salt originates from geologic formations underlying...

Who Pays for the Unexpected in Construction: Hi-Rise Engineers Point of View
The unexpected in high-rise construction can be traced to design criteria evolving from environmental models and probes, as well as 3 general problems dealing with quality control in contract...

Who Pays for the Unexpected in Construction
The problem of who pays for the unexpected in construction is discussed in relation to the testing and inspection of construction materials. Laboratory is often blamed for poor construction...

Project Controls for Denver International Airport
Managing a $2 billion dollar construction program requires a unique application of tried and true control systems and provides an opportunity to innovate new methods. The Program utilizes...

Project Controls on the Channel Tunnel Project
Establishing controls for a multi-facted, multi-billion dollar, privately financed, project which is run by two organisations created solely for that one project has been a major challenge....

Conceptual Model for a Site Operations Control System
This study discusses a conceptual model for designing an on-site management control system. Capabilities of this proposed Site Operations Control System (SOCS) include a mechanism for...

Partnering: Contracting for Quality
The concept of partnering is an approach to conducting business that confronts the economic and technological challenges confronting the U.S. Construction Industry in the 1990's....

Determining the Optimum Level of Quality Management Effort
Quality management is an essential factor in construction project success. Determining the appropriate level of quality management effort remains a challenging managerial decision. A discussion...

Construction Inspection Responsibility from the Viewpoint of a General Contractor and Construction Manager on a GMP Project
Absent local laws to the contrary, any member of the construction team, the Owner, Architect, or Contractor, can theoretically arrange for and provide any testing and inspection that may...

Contractor Inspection
Partnering between the owner, architect-engineer (A-E) and construction contractor creates an environment which facilitates the successful completion of quality construction. Each participant...

Integration of CAD and Material Control
The purpose of this paper is to address the relationship between CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings and the material control software. Computer generated drawings have the ability to...

Smart Exception Reporting
Project control systems that contain a degree of 'intelligence' are possible with today's technologies. At the same time project controls engineers...

Integration of Cost and Schedule Control
This paper presents cost control and schedule control relationships in an integrated manner for an activity/cost account that has a single output scheduled to be produced in a linear,...

Construction Quality Management
The Resident Management System (RMS) is a microcomputer based quality management and contract administration system designed specifically for resident engineers, by the Los Angeles District,...

A Knowledge Engr. System for Inquiry Feedback P.M.
The Knowledge Engineering Computer System for Inquiry Feedback Project Management was developed to augment existing project control systems by determining possible causes for delays and...

The Debate Over Large Dams
Dam megaprojects across the globe are under increasing scrutiny. Critics say large dams have clearly lost their luster. While the outcry over huge public subsidies and high ecological...

The Effect of Surface Films on Concentration Fluctuations Close to a Gas/Liquid Interface
Modeling of gas/liquid mass transport requires knowledge concerning the behavior of near-surface concentration fluctuations at clean and film-covered gas/liquid interfaces. Previous measurements...

Methane Tracer Technique for Gas Transfer at Hydraulic Structures
Using a simple headspace gas chromatographic technique, gas transfer at several hydraulic structures were investigated. Naturally occurring methane was used as a tracer gas to measure...





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