Boater's Pledge?A Regional Campaign to Hook Fishermen and Recreational Boaters on Solutions to Solid-Waste Pollution
Volunteer beach cleanups along the coast of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico over the last years have resulted in removal of anthropogenic trash loads with a cumulative weight of more than...

Marina Facilities Planning Design and Operations in Hurricane Prone Areas
The overall growth in population of coastal areas in the southeastern and coastal regions of the Unites States has created a need for additional water related recreation facilities such...

Nursery Culture of Scallop Seed in a Recreational Marina
This paper describes nursery culture seed in a recreational marina....

Coastal Zone Management for Saman? Bay: Integrating Community Needs
Samana Bay is the third most important breeding destination for migrating, endangered North Atlantic humpback whales, site of some of the largest remaining mangrove habitats in the Caribbean...

Pointe Mouillee: a 4600-acre Multiple Purpose Habitat Constructed and Restored in Western Lake Erie, USA
Pointe Mouille, part of a Michigan Wildlife Management Area, is the site of a major restoration project funded and constructed in the late 1970's by the US Army Corps of Engineers and...

Balancing the Benefits, Weighing the Consequences: The Ventura River and the California Coastal Act
Four years after its construction on the Ventura River delta, the Ventura River inundated the Ventura Beach Rv Resort. The facility had been permitted under the City of San Buenaventura's...

The Marine Prediction Institute of the National Institutes for Environmental Prediction
The Marine Prediction Institute (MPI) was established as a marine warning and forecast center which will originate and issue analyses, guidance, forecasts, and warnings of relevant marine...

Long Term Trends of Some Trawl-Caught Estuarine Species in Louisiana
Louisiana's estuarine area is nearly four times greater than that of any other state and it constitutes some 42 percent of the total within the United States. These wetlands have been...

Holding a Shorelind with a Buried Revetment
Two shoreline modification projects were designed that use a new application of an old idea to provide erosion protection and improve shoreline access and aesthetics. The innovation consists...

Breakwater Design in the Chesapeake Bay: Dealing with the End Effects
This paper documents various methods for treating the terminal ends of headland breakwater systems. Twelve sites in Chesapeake Bay were selected for study. In selecting design alternatives,...

St. Paul Harbor, St. Paul Island, Alaska
The City of St. Paul requested the Alaska District of the Corps of Engineers to become involved in their harbor project through Section 204e of Public Law 99-662. This arrangement allowed...

The Diversification of a Louisiana Coastal Community
Up until about 1984 coastal communities in Louisiana were blessed with a rich and growing economic base primarily centered around oil and gas exploration and production. Complementing...

Tourism Development and Political Conflict in a Coastal Zone: The Case of Punta Banda-La Bufadora Region
The Pacific coast of the state of Baja California, Mexico has many attractive development sites. The Punta Bands-la Bufadora region is one these places because it has magnificent ocean...

Environmental Planning in Baja California, Mexico: A Methodological Approach
The conservation of biodiversity and natural systems has led to a growing attraction for improved conservation practices and planning in the last ten years. According to Soule (1991),...

Man on the Black Sea Coast
The studies of sea coasts have been attracting considerable interest of scientists working on various theoretical and practical problems. This particular zone has been a long-standing...

Wave Climate Studies Along the Turkish Coast of the Black Sea
Wind-generated waves produce the most powerful forces to which coastal structures are subjected. Therefore, wave information is required for the proper planning and reliable design of...

Bulgarian Coastal Management
This paper responds to the call of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development for sustainable and economically-sound development and use of the world's natural resources....

Coastal Planning for Recreation in Denmark along the North Sea Coast
The aim of this article is to describe the background for and planning of the nearshore areas along the Danish North Sea coast, especially on the basis of the high recreational value of...

Case Studies for Coastal Protection: Dithmarschen; Eider Estuary; Sylt
Three cases along the Ger North Sea coast, north of the Elbe estuary are discussed. Land reclamation by building dikes started in the Dithmarschen-area almost eight hundred years ago....

On the Ecology and Sustainability of Penaeid Shrimp (Coastal) Fishing in Nigeria
The Nigerian coastline which is about 850-km long is indented with lagoon systems in the West, extensive mangrove swamp and a delta complex (Niger delta) which opens to the sea through...





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