Next Stop: The Los Angeles Metro Rail
The Los Angeles Metro Rail is a $6.5 billion light and heavy rail system, which may be entirely completed by the year 2000. A 22 mi segment of the 150 mi light rail system, connecting...

Less Bang for the Buck
Blasting rock is practical on job sites with ample space, but on construction sites in urbans or developed settings, contractors are shying away from blasting for several reasons. Noise...

Deposition of Airborne Particles from Fractured Spent Fuel or High-Level Waste
Preliminary equations are developed to predict the amount of deposition of airborne particles that may result from an accidental release in a hot cell. The fraction of these airborne particles...

Volatilization of Cesium and Ruthenium From High-Level Waste Glass
The contamination of the air above high-level waste glass by 134Cs, 137Cs and 106Ru...

Estimate of the Source Term for a Repository Surface Facility From the Routine Processing of Spent Fuel
The potential for release of radioactive material from the proposed handling and processing of spent nuclear fuel in a surface facility for a geologic repository was evaluated. The potential...

Development of a CRUD Particle Size Distribution and Its Effect on Cask Source Term and Containment Analyses
Spent pressurized-water reactor (PWR) and boiling-water reactor (BWR) fuel rods from three reactors were examined by hot cell periscope, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, and scanning...

Clearing Space Debris Using Energetic Materials
Space debris is growing at an alarming rate. It consists not only of old, unusable payloads but also aluminum oxide combustion products of various space delivery systems and small fragments...

Global Problems: Implementing Mission to Planet Earth
Serious global environmental problems are facing our generation on Earth. The decrease in ozone concentrations and the greenhouse effect have implications for all life forms on the planet....

Space-Based Control of the Climate
The expected global greenhouse warming of 2 ?C may be reversed by a space-based screen that intercepts 3% of the incident solar radiation. Space-based devices may also mitigate the ozone/UV...

Mission to Planet Earth: The Quest to Save the Environment
The Mission to Planet Earth is a program designed to look at the earth as an integrated system. It is an internationally supported project. It was conceived because the current methods...

Challenges and Opportunities in the '90s and Beyond?A U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Perspective
In the foreseeable future, water resources expenditures will probably be dominated by environmental/water quality concerns. Strong focus is coming to bear on the state of repair, rehabilitation...

Willingness to Pay for Stormwater Infrastructure
The contingent valuation method is used to estimate the willingness of Baltimore County homeowners to pay for stormwater controls to reduce nutrient loadings to the Chesapeake Bay. Homeowner...

Environmental Permitting a Major Expressway Facility in Florida
As general consultant to the Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority, Howard, Needles, Tammen and Bergendoff (HNTB) was responsible for the environmental permitting required for...

Weighting Factors for Transferable Discharge Permit Programs That Group Several Pollutants
Transferable discharge permit (TDP) programs for controlling several pollutants may manage such pollutants as several individual commodities or as a single weighted sum of the various...

Nonpoint Source Runoff and Urban Water Management
Urban nonpoint source pollution can be viewed from physiochemical, source, and impact perspectives. These and its dependence upon runoff pose important problems for pollution control management,...

Impacts of EPA Storm Water Regulations on the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
New storm water discharge permit application regulations proposed by EPA will have a significant impact on municipalities across the nation. Cities in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex are...

Application of a GIS to Storm Water Quality Monitoring
Integration of an ARC/INFO geographic information system (GIS) with hydrodynamic water quality models (HEC-1 and HEC-5Q) helps quantify the water quality impacts of urban storm water runoff....

Evaluation of Conjunctive Use and Drainage Reduction Strategies
Optimal drainage management strategies for control of salt and selenium contamination problems in the San Joaquin Valley of California must recognize subregional differences in groundwater...

Nonpoint Source Pollution Control & Land Use
Nonpoint source pollution control requires dealing with city, suburban and rural activities, and controlling pollution either at source, by detention basin quality control or by treatment...

Benefit/Cost Analysis of Stormwater Detention Systems
In the past, detention basins have been designed to control peak discharge rates. However, there is considerable interest in using the detention basin for control of nonpoint source pollution....





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