Optimization of a Municipal Ground Water Production System in North-Central Oklahoma
A management model is being developed to optimize the municipal groundwater production system which supplies drinking water for the City of Enid, Oklahoma. The system is comprised of one...

Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and Groundwater Management
A mathematical model is presented for conjunctive management of connected surface and groundwater systems. The groundwater module is based on the linear, two-dimensional, horizontal flow...

Monthly Conjunctive Allocation of Water Resources for Eastern Arkansas
The objective is development and use of a conjunctive water resource model as part of a hierarchical approach. In this case, this program is developed to determine the monthly allocation...

Groundwater Management in the Main Aquifer of High Aswaan Dam
The High Aswaan Dam reservoir replenishes a groundwater aquifer which extends on both sides of the dam lake with variable thickness. The groundwater of this aquifer is used to irrigate...

Groundwater Models and Aquifer Restoration: An Overview
In recent years, as the demand for water has increased, groundwater mining has intensified. Data on water use indicate that this trend will continue in the future, and competition is likely...

Application of Decision Analysis in Groundwater Remediation Design
The design of groundwater remediation systems involves selecting from a set of design alternatives under conditions of uncertainty. A risk-based decision analysis approach is presented...

Well and Formation Losses
For design projects in the groundwater area, a step-drawdown test is commonly used to investigate the properties of the well-aquifer systems. Higher well and formation losses are usually...

Predicting Microbial Contamination of Ground Water
As a result of the drinking water standards for viruses established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 1985, mandatory groundwater disinfection requirements were recently...

Effects of Solute Transport Processes on In-Situ Denitrification for Nitrate Control in Ground Water
This paper discusses the effects of solute transport mechanisms on the effectiveness of biodenitrification in the subsurface environment. The only solute transport processes apparently...

Transport Models to Simulate Nitrate Contamination
Computer models can be used to simulate groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the vadose zone, the results of which can be used as input to simulate flow and transport in the saturated...

Groundwater Modeling with GIS: An Example
The versatility and widespread usage of a geographic information system (GIS) as a hydrological modeling tool is only now showing up in the literature. In this regard, a research team...

Agricultural Chemicals in Illinois' Rural Private Wells
A statewide sampling program was undertaken to define the extent of agricultural chemicals in rural, private drinking water wells in Illinois. A stratified random approach was taken for...

On the Application of Multiphase Flow Models for the Simulation of Density Stratified Flow in Aquifers
Two types of numerical simulation approach are usually applied when simulating density-stratified flow in aquifers: (a) the sharp interface approach, and (b) the coupling of flow transport...

Visualization Studies of Dense Leachate Plumes in Porous Media
In this paper, a series of flow visualization experiments investigating the behavior of dense leachate plumes are described. These experiments were performed in various flow containers...

Nitrate in Rural Water Supplies in North Carolina
Over 9000 rural water supplies in North Carolina were analyzed for nitrate, chloride, electrical conductivity and pH. Data were collected on well characteristics and potential sources...

Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the Central and Southern Florida Project
The possible impacts of some potential climate change effects such as sea level rise, changes in tropical cyclone intensity and frequency, and changes in precipitation and temperature...

Environmental Considerations in Sustainable Development and the Application of Appropriate Technology
A fundamental appropriate technology concept is that technologies, as well as the development process, must be environmentally sound. As stated by the United Nations' World...

Local Resources in Developing Country Water Supplies
Maximizing the use of local resources in water supply projects can expand markets for locally produced equipment and materials, reduce exports and minimize expenditures of hard currency...

Reviewing the Operating Objectives of the TVA Reservoir System
Under the Tennessee Valley Authority's Lake Improvement Plan, approved by the Board of Directors in February 1991, minimum flows will be provided systemwide, the releases...

A Review of Modeling and Analysis Approaches for Optimization of Reservoir System Operations
Numerous mathematical models have been developed for sizing reservoir storage capacities and establishing operating policies during project planning, for reevaluating the operating policies...





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