Offshore Platform Structural Verification and Requalification?The Regulator's Viewpoint of Aging Platforms
The regulator's viewpoint of the structural verification and requalification of aging offshore oil platforms is crucial to the continued production of oil and gas. For the...

The Impact of the October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake on Coastal Bluffs and Implications for Land Use Planning
The October 17, 1989, Loma Prieta earthquake caused bluff failure along 100 miles of coastline between San Francisco and central Monterey Bay in a variety of rock types and slope conditions....

Earthquake Measures for California OCS Platforms
The ability of a platform to withstand earthquakes is one of the primary design factors for platforms on the California outer continental shelf (OCS). This paper discusses (1) the special...

Foundations and Breakaway Walls of Small Coastal Buildings in Hurricane Hugo
After Hurricane Hugo a survey of damage to small, coastal buildings was conducted in North and South Carolina. The performance of elevated foundations, breakaway walls and foundation cross...

Geotechnical Failure of Revetments
A calculation method is developed to analyse the stability of a granular subsoil underneath a revetment under wave attack. This method leads to a minimum revetment weight per square meter...

Controlling Nitrogen Loading to Coastal Waters
Of the countless contaminants that reach coastal waters, nitrogen is one of the most problematic and least regulated. There is ample evidence that many coastal embayments are overwhelmed...

Sediment Yield Location Maps
The West National Technical Center of the Soil Conservation Service is compiling a series of colored sediment yield location maps for the eleven western United States, as well as Alaska...

Mechanics of Cohesionless Sediment Transport in Coastal Waters
Conceptual mechanics-based models for sediment transport processes in steady and unsteady turbulent boundary layer flows are derived and discussed. To the extent possible the predictions...

Alongshore Sediment Transport Rate Distribution
The initial analysis of a new set of experimental data on alongshore sediment transport rate distribution is presented. The distributions were generally found to be bimodal but tended...

Suspended Sediment Load at Three Time Scales
Suspended sediment loads were examined at the three time scales of time-series-averaged, wave-by-wave and instantaneous during the wave cycle. Field measurements recorded on a natural...

Simulation of Bedload Transport of Marine Gravel
Using combined current meter and acoustic measurements, detailed concurrent time series of instantaneous bedload transport rates and flow turbulence have been obtained. The duration, interval...

Bedload Transport Measurement by Imaging of Tracers
A dyed-sand tracer technique is developed for investigation of bedload under laboratory oscillatory flows. Imaging of the tracer with high speed photography allows the creation of time...

Bedload Transport Under Low Frequency Waves
The concept of a bedload spectrum, showing the distribution of energy with frequency in the bedload process, is proposed. The bedload process is thus analysed in the frequency rather than...

The Effect of Beach Slope on Oscillatory Flow Bedload Transport
The data for five laboratory sloping bed bedload sediment transport experiments are presented. Each consists of a series of half cycle transport rate measurements using the same waveform...

Numerical Modelling of Lower Lias Rock Failures in the Coastal Cliffs of South Wales
A model has been developed to evaluate slope failure in the interbedded limestone and mudstone Lower Lias series which outcrop for some 30 km in coastal South Wales. Computer simulation...

Higher Frequency Acoustic Measurements of Coarse Bedload Transport
Although sensors have been developed which provide high temporal resolution for the measurement of wave profiles, flow fields and suspended sediment concentrations within the coastal system,...

Standing Wave Measurements of Bedload Thickness: Feasibility in an Air System with Model Sediment
A novel technique would yield information about bedload thickness from measurements of a standing wave pattern produced by a sound source insonifying the bottom at normal incidence. The...

Pilot-scale Trickling Filter Nitrification at the Longmont WWTP
Nitrification rates in trickling filters can be affected by influent organic matter, filter length, and hydraulic loading rate. The effects of these parameters on nitrification rate were...

Inventory of Constructed Wetlands for Municipal Wastewater Treatment in the U.S.
The U.S. EPA's Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory is conducting an inventory of constructed wetlands (CW) for municipal wastewater treatment in the U.S. The inventory is...

Vacuum Anaerobic Treatment: A New Approach
Anaerobic processes have an organic loading limit that when exceeded leads to process failure. The research summarized in this paper demonstrates that both organic removal rate enhancement...





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