Flood Management Strategies for the Rhine and Maas Rivers in the Netherlands
This paper addresses the above issues, examines the lessons learned, and emphasizes the shift in attention from society on flood management issues. Special attention is devoted to the...

Sacramento Valley Conjunctive Use?Future Water Supply for the State Water Project?
In 1992, the California Department of Water Resources began an investigation of the potential to develop additional water supply for the State Water Project through conjunctive use programs...

A New Model of California's SWP/CVP Systems
A water allocation reservoir simulation model is combined with a ground water-surface water simulation model resulting in an integrated model for use in water resource planning studies...

Implementing a Successful Conjunctive Use Program
Over the past decade, water planners have come to the agreement that conjunctive use is a good strategy to help meet present and ftiture water needs. Storing water underground has many...

Design Guidelines for Bioengineered Bank Stabilization
Design of bioengineered slope stabilization measures in riverine environments to minimize rates of stream bank erosion requires accounting for hydrologic, hydraulic, geomorphic, geotechnical,...

River Restoration Considerations Beyond Channel Design
Restoration of river systems in highly disturbed environments poses unique challenges beyond channel design. The Jordan Creek Restoration project in Idaho was conducted in a valley disturbed...

Controlling the Impacts of Development on Storm Water Quality through Proper Site Planning and Design
Land development and construction activities can significantly alter drainage patterns, increase runoff peak flow and volume, and contribute pollutants to storm water runoff. Federal and...

Assessing Water Quality Impacts of Stormwater Runoff
Current water quality monitoring of non-point source runoff typically involves periodically measuring a laundry list of chemicals in the runoff waters. This approach, while satisfying...

Water Quality Mitigation for the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor
The San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor (SJHTC) is a 24 km Design/Build tollway which has been financed with bonds to be paid back with toll revenue. The Environmental Impact Statement...

Protecting Dredged Material Containment Levees along the Houston Ship Channel
This paper describes the background, selection, installation, and performance of the three-dimensional woven geotextile used for erosion protection along 122 meters (400 feet) of levee...

Entrainment of Eggs and Larval Fish into Propeller Jets
Because larval fish have limited mobility and eggs have no mobility, both are susceptible to entrainment into the propeller jets of passing vessels. Entrainment subjects eggs and larvae,...

Analysis of Long-term Supply-demand Planning of Water Resources in Taiwan
The purpose of the present study is to analyze the long-term supply-demand planning of water resources in Taiwan under future conditions. Since last decade, the Water Resources Planning...

Risk Analysis of Joint Reservoir Operation in Central Taiwan
Risk analysis for shortage of water on the joint operation of Li-Yu-Tan Reservoir and Shih-Kang Dam (Reservoir) in central Taiwan is presented in this paper. Deter ministic simulation,...

An Introduction to Taipei Suburban Sewage Collection and Treatment Systems
Taipei Suburban Sewerage System covers the lower Tansui River Basin located in Northern Taiwan The planning area (excluding Municipality of Taipei) consists of 14 township in Taipei County...

Results of a GIS/HEC-1 Interface Module
Great strives have been made in recent years to automate the S.C.S. curve number weighting process required for large-scale watershed modeling utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS)...

Legal Principles Applicable to Sharing Transboundary Waters
Transboundary water management programs must be developed on a case-by-case basis, but certain principles apply to such agreements generally. These principles include commitment to cooperation,...

Managing Transboundary Water Sharing
The administrative and institutionul provisions of a transboundary water sharing agreement are critical to successful achievement of the agreement's objectives. In the United...

Development and Implementation of a Capital Improvement Program for a Small Water Utility
The City of Las Cruces water utilities is being exposed to accelerated population growth and is faced with inadequate capital infrastructure to meet increasing demands. The City's...

Evaluating Sustainability of Water & Sanitation Projects: Case Studies in Developing Countries
Studies carried out in the water and sanitation sector in eight developing countries have delineated the most important factors related to sustainability. These are capacity and skills...

A System to Improve Water-Related Sustainability Characteristics of International Development Programs/Projects
In light of escalating environmental demands and reduced international development budgets, there is a growing need to assist loan/donor agencies in improving both the development and...





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